Baby (Namjoon)

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"Come on, Joon, you can do it. It's your first date since high school. Just go, have fun, don't mess anything up." I said to myself, looking in the mirror one last time before heading to the bar i am meeting my date at.
8:00 pm:
I waited at the bar for fifteen minutes until she finally arrived; i got butterflies in my stomach from just seeing her walk in. She is beautiful. She wore a dark green spaghetti strap tank top under a denim jacket, ripped denim jeans, military boots, and a gold necklace and hoop earrings.
"Hey, Namjoon, right?" She asked as she approached the bar stool next to mine and sat down.
"Yes, ma'am," i paused, "you look beautiful tonight, by the way. I love your hair." I smiled and admired the dark brown curls.
"Aw, thanks, i just got my hair done at the salon." She said, showing off her beautifully straight teeth.
The night was going great; we chatted and had a few drinks over the course of two hours. But some time around ten, a fight broke out between two girls in the far side of the bar.
The next thing i knew, my girl said, "hold my hoops," and walked her fine self over there.
Believe me, i was concerned for her involving herself, but what i was most concerned with at the time was that she gave me her earrings!
Do you know what this means??? This means she was coming back to me! I was given the responsibility to hold. Her. Hoops. So that's what i did.
The fight had ended, she broke them up, and we decided on another date some time next weekend, same place.
Some time next weekend:
She arrived to the bar a few minutes late, looking oddly upset, which threw me off. She was usually smiling a lot.
She placed a takeout box onto the bar table and said, "i got bulgogi takeout, there is a few pieces missing, i ate some in the car." She said groggily.
All i thought was, 'oh, im gonna pit a baby in you.' But what i said was, "That's okay, thank you though." I paused before beginning on the subject of why she looked so unhappy.
"Work sucks ass." Is all i got in return and we have been going steady for a year and a half now.
Does anyone enjoy this? I's aight. It could have been written better, but i got inspired by a comedy skit on pandora so i thought i would give a funny fanfic one-shot a try. Comment if you wanna read more funny ones, I'm sure i can make some.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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