Chapter fourteen

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Pic of Taigh.

Taigh's PoV

I've never been so bloody bored in my life. Three full weeks I was stuck in that bed and I'm so happy to be free. That's right, I'm going home, or I mean to lorcans place, eh I'll just call it home for now. I'm super excited to get there and see where he lives. Over the last few weeks the whole Wallace family have started to become like my family. Noel and Rob call in to check on me every other day. Rick, Theo and Kate call in everyday on their way home from work and school.

Tom and Lorcan, well they are here nearly all the time. The only time they leave is when Lorcan really needs to be at a meeting. No seriously, he has cancelled meetings or taken conference calls in a quiet room he booked in the hospital. I've begged them to go, told them they needed to work but they just tell me to let them be the judge of that. So I gave up and basked in their attention. I feel so conflicted though, I know they are looking out for me but in my love sick brain I feel like I'm part of them. I know it's stupid of me and it can never be because you can see the love they have for each other radiating off them every time they touch, look at each other, who am I kidding it's always there. The only constellation I get is that they finally started going home at ten in the night after the first week here.

This is my brains time to shine, oh how it shines. I imagine the littlest touches Lor gives me throughout the day or the fussing Tom does over the smallest of things, to be done as acts of love. I dream up scenarios where I'm part of their lives in more than a helpless idiot kinda way. I fantasise a life with the two hunks at my side and my stupid heart beats faster every dame time as if it's true. I'm going to be in big trouble when they finally realise I'm all better, good to go and send me on my merry way.

My future is uncertain right now but do you think I have stopped to think about it, no I'm a dopey love struck twenty one year old man who's falling harder each day for not one but two taken men. My thoughts are interrupted by the boys coming quietly into the room, they both stop short when they see me standing dressed, packed and more than ready to leave. "Someone's eager" Lor laughs as he comes over and holds my chin between his finger and thumb. Now there's this problem, how on Gods green earth am I supposed to act rationally let alone think rationally when they do things like this. They don't treat Ben this way and they baby the life out of that poor boy. So anyone could surely understand why I'm conflicted.

I smile at him all the while thinking 'don't stare at his lips that I want to kiss so bad right now' and say "yep, I'm so sick of this room it's unreal" he just chuckles. Tom comes around him and I think 'here we go' just as he begins to lecture "why are you up? Are you sure your allowed to be standing for this long? Did the doctor come in here and give you permission to get up. . . Stop laughing pup your health is serious" he scolds at the end. I'm still laughing as I tell him "yes.. I swear the doc said I could.. I'm not hurting the last week and a half" I sober up at the harsh look he's giving me. I just though his ramble was funny, now I'm in trouble.

I look down and feel tears build "I'm sorry Tom. I appreciate you looking after me. I asked the doctor and he said I'm fine and can go right now" I hear a sigh. Tom walks over to me and raises my face to look at him but I don't want to. I feel stupid for laughing at him, why do I do stuff like this- "stop it" Tom says breaking my hateful rant in my mind. I look at him then and I can see that he's not mad now just a bit annoyed. "Come here" he pulls me into his arms as he sits at the edge of the bed. "Now Taigh what have I told you, you don't need to hide or worry that we will hurt you. We won't. Ever. Ok. Now stop that mental torture you are inflicting on yourself. I'm sorry I got mad but you know that when it comes to your health I get serious. I understand that it's funny to see someone ranting but just not about this ok?".

And... There goes my heart and shining brain again. He cares. That's what they are saying. I shut them down though. I'll never cheat or break anyone up so I just have to man up and see the truth. They love each other not me. "Let's go home!" Lorcan suddenly yells brightening up the mood. He's so random. Finally we leave that blasted room, it takes another ten minutes to say goodbye to the nurses and doctors, what can I say I like to make friends now.

We soon pull up to the beautiful apartment block and go to the top floor, once we get inside everyone is there waiting but they don't shout surprise as Theo tells me "mr grumpy boots said not to scare you incase you jump and break your stitches" whilst giving Tom a dirty look. "It's ok thanks for being here guys. Can you show me around Lor?" I ask. I'm allowed to call them by their names now since "I'm family now" according to each of them. He shows me the place and its stunning. I feel uneasy as he shows me his room and I know it's wrong to feel jealous that he and Tom sleep in there without me. Doesn't stop me though.

The guys, Kate and Tegan leave after lunch and I have to say I'm feeling tired. Better take a nap before they notice how pale I am. See if I get over tired I get a deadly pale colour, there's nothing wrong except tiredness, I know this years. Tom and Lor didn't though and the first time it happened in the hospital I tried to tell them but no, they called the doc and made him run tests for my iron levels. Drama queens. Finally it got settled but now if I get even the slightest bit pale world war three breaks outs because I didn't rest. "Lor I'm going for a nap ok" I tell him. He comes over and pecks my forehead and says "good boy". Fuck sake, now I have to have "me time" because there's no way my dick is going down after that.

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