Chapter sixteen

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Lorcans PoV

This fucking brat. He crashed in my arms and I mean that figuratively and literally, he ran out the door but I caught on quick and ran out our door making him run straight into me. Once I caught him he collapsed and now he's out for the count. Seems like the action got to him because he was wrecked before the bathroom incident and I guess he couldn't hold on any longer, he is recovering after all. I take him in my arms and put him into our bed for his much needed rest. Tom and I leave him there knowing he'll be out for a while. I put my finger to my lips in a shushing motion and we head out to the kitchen.

Tom immediately starts to pace and I don't like it. This man who's always so sure of himself is now riddled with guilt and I'm going to stop him in his tracks. "Tom, Tom, listen to me right now. Stop with the guilt walk you did nothing wrong. He watched us yet again, yes I know about the first time, anyway what happened in there was naturally going to happen at some point so give over. You know as well as I do that he wants this so don't pussyfoot about ok. As soon as he's awake we'll talk to him and give him his chance to explain what is going through his mind" I say as I pull him into my embrace.

"I shouldn't have done that Lor I rushed him and now he thinks he did something wrong. Jesus. I screwed up he'll never accept us now" he rants into my shoulder. "You know he will he just has very little confidence and I think it has always been that way. I mean if he was stronger in his self awareness Daniel wouldn't have been able to treat him as poorly. Now that's not to say it was his own fault, it's not, but if he had more confidence in himself he would have told Daniel to fuck off and he would have left. Me and you, we are going to get him where he needs to be, ok. We are going to be good for him and today is no exception to that. You gave him exactly what he needed and its the push we all needed to start on whatever this relationship is. So give it a rest, you look after us just fine" I reassure him and it works.

I know we are not in any kind of Dom/sub relationship but it's pretty clear who's who between us and nobody would change a thing. I trust Tom to make decisions based on what's good for us, yes I know, there is no us as yet and Tom and I are only together a wet day, but once I settle on something I'm committed one hundred percent. Over the last few weeks while Taigh has been in the hospital our bond has grown and its clear that Tom likes to have the head of the household role. Me I'm just too laid back to care and Taigh just doesn't have the confidence to step up, so I say let Tom be. It's the easiest decision and it'll make our lives peaceful.

That being said I will kick ass if need be. Now relaxed he thanks me and kisses me "I love you so much Lor. Let's make lunch and we can wake him once it's done. Afterward we need to talk to him, it's not fair that we know the score and he doesn't. Also he deserves the right to have his say. We've been acting as if he'll just go along with our plans but what if he doesn't actually want what we are presuming he does" he points out and I agree. So for the next thirty minutes we work in comfortable silence as we create lunch.

With a nervous glance my way Tom opens the bedroom door and I nod for him to go on. I gently wake Taigh and he's all smiles when he sees us "hi, how long was I out?" He questions in a soft timid voice and I want to kiss the ever loving shit out of him. He looks from me to Tom and blushes. Oh, oh. I think he thinks it was a dream. All of a sudden he leaps from the bed, guess I was wrong. First fucking thing he tries to do is.. Yep run. Tom grabs him around the waist and Taigh trashes in his arms as he yells "let me go. I have to leave. I'm such a screw up-" "shut up!" Tom bellows and the effect is immediate.

I see tears fall down his beautiful face so I go to him, he's heartbreaking "shush, no tears. Taigh calm down please" I beg. He hiccups and looks away from me. Tom lifts him into his arms and sits on the bed with him on his lap straddling him. I go and sit beside them and run my hand up and down his back until he calms down "why?" He ask out of the blue so I ask "why what brat?" He lifted his tear stained face from Tom's shoulder to look toward me but he doesn't make eye contact. "Why are you being nice to me, I'm a whore" he whimpers. Holy fuck.

"What the fuck" Tom says as I say "no your fucking not" Taigh just gets more upset at this and Tom and I exchange confused glances. I sigh and take the lead "Taigh Hun, look at me. Why are you calling yourself such a horrible name babe?" I notice he still won't look at me but he answers and his voice is filled with regret as he tells us "cause I'm a home wrecker. I let Tom give me... Em.. You know and you caught us and now you are going to break up. And what's worse is I'm such a slut I enjoyed every minute of it. And.. And you saw and now you must hate me so much..." He finishes with what I can only call a wail. Poor boy, we should have been clearer so he wouldn't feel so awful.

Tom takes his face in his hands and makes him face him, he doesn't talk until Taigh is forced to actually look him in the eyes "no more of that talk. Did you even hear what Lor said after he "caught us" hum? No you didn't did you, because what happened.. You ran. Lor said it was hot. I'm going to jump off the deep end here Taigh so bare with me. We want you. Both of us. We want to know will you become our partner. We want to get to know you more but we want to do it as a throuple that means the three of us in a relationship. I know you like us and you must have picked up on the fact that we like you, although knowing you you didn't because you think it couldn't be true. It is true Taigh. I'm sorry I surprised you in the bathroom, I didn't mean to scare you"

I interrupt "Tom left the connecting door open knowing I'd come out of our bathroom and see babe. I didn't catch you, he planned it that way. I'm also sorry we didn't discuss this with you beforehand but I think Tom made the right call. You can't keep sitting on the sidelines watching and wanting us and we should have made it clear to you before now about how we felt. To be honest love you are skittish and we wanted you home before we talked to you about this so you would at least hear us out. We also wanted you to trust us first too. So Taigh the question is, do you trust us and would you be ours" he looks shell shocked. He is frozen but we don't move or speak, we just let him take it in. Then he speaks, it's only one word but it has the effect of a thousand "no".

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