This isn't one of those stories where everybody told me to stay away from this guy and I'm filled with regret for not listening to anybody. Everybody (including me) thought he was exceptionally polite, charming and, most of all, attractive. I think that was the thing that drew me to him most. Everybody wanted him and it was almost like a challenge for me to try and 'obtain' him, if you will.
Back in 2005, I met him in The Railway pub after my friends had decided they wanted to get, as you say, shitfaced. A couple minutes after I walked in the door I could see that he had took a liking to me. He had shoulder length blonde hair and wore tortoise shell glasses, I noticed these features a while after I noticed his gorgeous green eyes staring in my direction.
During the night he came over to me and said 'what's a lady like you doing in a dump like this?' I know, cheesy pick up line. With this, he seemed to have convinced me to dance with him. We pranced around the whole pub to Irish music whilst occasionally stopping to sip our beverages. By the morning, I was tumbling out of his bed and racing to re-do my make up. Following this night, we went on numerous dates and I fell in love with him.