Part Two

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KitKat was hiding in a cave on the coast. She was curlled up in a ball, crying. She wept because all her friends were gone, dead, most likley, and her house was destroyed. When she had gone to the village nearby to ask the people, everyone ran and screamed.

She thought it was her, so she teleported away.

Now she is curled up and crying.

"Ouch!" she exlaimed at the tears streaming down her face. The water felt like acid to her, scorching her skin and causing pain. Her blood was no longer red, but the color purple. She looked out upon the entrance, where it was raining hard. She did not dare go out, other than the fact she heard a little child screaming in pain.

She sat up and looked out, and found a baby enderman fall from the ledge above and hurt itself. It was also getting hurt by thr rain. It ran around blindly, until it fell, clawing to a tree for shelter.

It'll never make it. Thought KitKat, so she teleported to the child and brought it into the cave. She placed it down so it's head rested on a rock. The little enderman opened it's eyes, a beautiful shade of purple, and looked up at it's savior. "Thank you," it whispered with a feminine voice, proving it to be a girl.

"Are you okay?" asked KitKat, drying her off.

"Yes, I am now." She paused a moment to consider something. "Why would you, a human, save me?"

"I'm supposedly an Ender Princess, but I don't know. I dont like the whole princess idea, I'd much rather be a warrior." replied KitKat.

"I agree," said the ender-um-girl? nodding as she spoke. "I'm supposed to be a 'proper-little ender-girl', but whats the fun in that? Fighting for the End sounds fun."

"Hey, what do you say we be warriors together. What's your name, anyway?" said KitKat.

"Endie," she said. "My mom and dad named me that."

"Why are you here anyway? I never see ender-children out here."

"I wanted a taste of adventure, so I went through the end portal without permission." Endie said. "But I'm not going back. I like it here much better."

"Even though you nearly died?" said KitKat.

"Everyone likes a risk every so often." Endie replied. KitKat rolled her eyes and picked the ender-girl up and put Endie in KitKat's hat.

"Now, no more adventure tonight, we'll explore more tomorrow. As of now, it's bed time." said KitKat.

"Oh, alright." said Endie, and they fell asleep side by side.

Found: Book 4 in the Monster seriesWhere stories live. Discover now