Percabeth: Clingy

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Enjoy some Percabeth, I may have broken the fourth wall once oops.
Btw this is when Annabeth is in Boston searching for her cousin, Magnus, the time when The Sword of Summer took place.

Warnings: feelings (cuz I have none)

Percy's POV

Percy sighed again. Annabeth has been gone for three days, apparently there was some sort of family emergency that made her take an unexpected trip to Boston. Now he was in his cabin laying on his bed, staring blankly at his baby blue ceiling.

Percy was bored, he usually does everything with Annabeth, now that she's not here he didn't really feel like doing anything. This constant feeling of boredom had made Percy realize something though. 

He's really clingy. Percy did not like this new realization one bit.

Percy and Annabeth were always attached at the hip, it's almost like they were just one person. He didn't like this feeling of his other half miles away from him where he can't cuddle and talk with her. Percy pouted remembering that Annabeth wasn't coming back to New York for another two days.

He didn't want to be the clingy annoying boyfriend that has to go everywhere with his girlfriend. But at the same time, it was hard for both Percy and Annabeth to be away from each other after everything that happened in Tartarus. Percy grimaced just thinking about that awful place, but soon his pain turned to panic thinking that Annabeth wasn't going to last another two days without him (or maybe that was just Percy's way of saying that he won't last another two days without Annabeth, but he'll never admit that).

Percy quickly dug his new and improved demigod phone out of his bag and opened it to Annabeth's contact, he hesitated, thinking that this just contributed to the fact that he's clingy, but he tapped it anyway. 

The phone rung and the beautiful voice Percy's come to love started talking on the second ring. 

"Percy! Oh my gods how are you doing! Wait, is everything okay at camp?!" Annabeth rambled the second she picked up. This made Percy feel a little better about being clingy because at least now he knows that Annabeth misses him just as much as he misses her. 

"Hi! Yeah I'm good, and no nothing's wrong, I just really wanted to talk to you. I miss looking at your beautiful face Wise Girl," I blushed at my last comment, now thankful that Annabeth wasn't here so she couldn't see me.

"Oh. Aw I miss you too Seaweed Brain. But can I ask what this is really about?" Styx, she always knows when Percy's feeling upset, even when she's not looking at him face to face, it's actually really impressive. 

Percy sighs for the hundredth time that day, "I was just thinking if you were doing fine... you know, the first time being actually apart after the war."

"I'm touched that you called just to check in, but I'm doing surprisingly well right now on my own, but if I have an issue I'll promise to tell you. Percy, if you're not feeling well without me over there, then I could convince my dad to let me go. You're always my first priority." Percy was at a loss for words. He's usually the romantic one in these kinds of situations, just hearing Annabeth practically say she'd drop everything to check on him made his heavy conscious feel ten times lighter.

"Annabeth... thanks. No but really I'm fine. How's your business in Boston going? Any new leads on where your cousin's at?" I asked after my voice came back. 

We talked more about Annabeth's problem with her missing cousin, all the while just talking about random crap like we always do. It almost felt like she was right beside him during those bad nights when he can't sleep. Almost.

Before Percy hung up on her he really needed to get off his chest the thing that's been bugging him the whole time they were talking. "Annabeth?" Percy questioned, interrupting Annabeth's passionate ranting on why she thought all politicians were as bad as Zeus, she immediately quieted down. "Do you think I'm clingy?" he asked in a small voice

She was quiet for a moment, "Is that was this about Percy? No Seaweed Brain I don't think you're clingy, and even if you were I wouldn't have noticed because I don't mind. I love spending time with you, and that doesn't make me clingy. I'm grateful that I got so lucky to get a wonderful boyfriend like you, and don't ever think of yourself as less just because we both spend so much time together. Okay?"


"Now tell me who called you clingy and we'll have a little one on one chat with my dagger," Annabeth said, completely seriously.

"No it's fine Wise Girl, you don't have to stab anyone or me, it's just something I was thinking after I read a really sad Johnlock fanfiction," I chuckled at my complete honesty.

"What the hell Percy, you are one strange man."

Then she hung up on me. Did I say something wrong?

Sorry I don't ever update much, but hey I didn't make any promises though right? This one's kinda shit, but that's just how I was feeling after my best friend and I split and moved to different schools. She's gotten close to someone else, I  just wish she was a little more sensitive of my feelings like Annabeth in this.
Anyway, sorry for rambling


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