1.1 Begin Again

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"Took a deep breath in the mirror"

I closed my eyes in front the mirror and sighed.

'I can't freak out now', I thought to myself.

One. Two. Three.

'I don't care what the world thinks', I reminded myself. I'm stronger than I was yesterday, I have to be if I wanted to face tomorrow.'

'I'm content in myself' ,I chanted the mantra again and again.

Finally, taking a last pause I open up my eyes and sigh.

"He didn't like it when I wore high heels"

Taking a look around my eyes stopped at a sight of something unusually familier. They were the red heels I bought two months ago, but never got to wear them.

"What's in that bag?", he asked smiling a small smirking smile.

God, I loved his smile. I fell deeper in love with that smile of his. All he had to do was to look at me and I would turn into a puddle of mess. But I guess I was always a mess. His mess. I loved the sound of that.

"I.. I saw them on sale and couldn't help but buy them. I think these will go with my dress for the school dance?", I said pulling out the new set of red heels I bought.

I meant to say this with confidence but it rather came out as a question. Did I doubt something in that moment? Was I questioning myself in the back of my mind? I was always so sure of everything. Atleast I used to be. Then he came in, and now I was doubting even my choice of dress and styling. I wanted his opinion. I wanted his approval. What is wrong with me?

"I don't think you should wear those", he said with a commanding voice.

I frowned at his voice, giving him a questioning look. Was he ordering me? He never ordered me around, atleast not that I knew of. My friends were starting to point out the change in my behaviour. But they were wrong. Jace never forced me to do anything.

"It's just that I don't want to share you yet. If you wear those everyone will have their eyes glued on you. We wouldn't want that to happen would we?", he said hugging me from behind and placing a small kiss on my shoulder.

And I fell again. Jace was hardly ever possesive of me, or if he ever was he never showed it. I thought he finally cared.

...But I was wrong. He lied. He never cared. The only reason he didn't want me to wear those heels was because I was quiet tall, just an inch or two shorter than him. He had admitted it snarly to his friends.

"But I do"

Gathering up all my courage, I picked up the bag. Those Red heels didn't really go with my outfit today, atleast not as well as it went with the dress I never got to wear.

But I will wear them today. I was determined. I quickly rummaged through my closet and fished out a change of clothes. I was now wearing a slim fit white blouse and a black skinny jeans, that defined my curves, and completed the outfit with the red heels.

"Turn the lock and put my headphones on."

I was about to turn the corner of my street when Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing through my headphones.

I remember us having a fight because I couldn't stop blasting this song from his stereo. It was my song of the month. To say he was annoyed was an understatement.

"He always said he didn't get this song."

He was throwing fits over how the song was fake and sets the bar too high for the guys. I remember I laughed so hard that I was truly on the floor. I told him how cute he looked while admitting it.

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