Chapter 11

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Alex awoke slowly from being unconscious. They sound of chattering voices dragged him from the silence of his mind. The voices, they sounded different. Not they usually serious short clipped voices of Scorpia soldiers and not the familiar voice of any of Scorpia's torturers. But familiar all the same.

Alex was listening intently now following their conversation even if he couldn't quite process who they were. It became obvious that they weren't Scorpia. They were prisoners here just like he was. So why bring them into his cell. Did he know they closely? His mind simply refused to wake up and remember.

The voices had stopped talking. Alex was curious as to why and his curiosity was enough to convince his brain to wake up and remember. Of course it was K-Unit, Wolf Eagle Fox and Snake. How could he not remember. But why was K-Unit here, in a Scorpia facility. Had they been captured, Kidnapped, taken?

Alex spoke, his voice filled with concern and despair for his friends, "Wolf?"

"Cub is that you?" Wolf asked desperately trying to get the blindfold off his eyes, despite the cuffs restricting his hands.

"It's me, but what are you guys doing here?" came Alex's soft reply. Spurred by Alex's words Snake and Fox began to maneuver themselves to take of each other's blind folds.

"We came to rescue you." Wolf said while leaning back to allow Snake to rip off his blindfold. Once they all had their sight back K-unit looked around trying to find Alex. This cell was surprisingly like the last one they were in despite being almost twice as large, Fox noted, and appeared to have a complex drainage system in the floor. It wasn't until they saw Cub did Fox realize why.

Cub was barely recognizable as he hung suspended, his skin was a mix of black and purple and there was a red coating covering most of him. K-Unit blanched as they realized it was blood.

"Oh Cub" Snake let out a shaky breath staring at his youngest charge. There was just so much blood. Snake couldn't even tell where it was coming from. Just looking at Cub's hanging body he could tell Cub had several broken ribs, a possible punctured lung, what looked like a dislocated shoulder and a concussion based of Cub's speech patterns.

"Why", Alex said, sounding desperate now and so confused, "why come for me? Why put yourselves in danger? for me?" The anguish and confusion is Cub's voice seemed to break K-Unit's hearts. Before any of them could overcome their sadness to answer the door swung open.

"Isn't this just lovely" asked Doctor Three "I was so hoping you would know each other. You'll make perfect leverage." He walked further into the cell with the door closing ominously behind him. " Now I do believe it's time for our daily session" Doctor Three said turning towards Alex.

Eagle watched with curiosity as all the pain, hopelessness and confusion on Alex's face disappeared. By the time Doctor Three had crossed the room no one, even those who knew him best, would have been able to tell what he was feeling.

Doctor Three turned and addressed one of the Scorpia soldiers standing by the door, "Bring my tools in and come adjust Prisoner 0. I want our news captives to have a good view of the show". The addressed soldier raised his hand to his ear and muttered some order before crossing the room. The beam which Alex's chains were wrapped around ran horizontal across the room, so after removing the irons around Cub's legs, the soldier dragged Alex across the beam, his chains shrieking in protest at being dragged along the bar. Now Alex instead of hanging in the middle of the room was off to one side about a foot from the side wall. After looking back at Doctor Three for approval the soldier reattached Alex's leg irons but instead of facing K-Unit Alex was turned to face the side wall. "There that's better", Doctor Tree said, smiling as a covered cart was wheeled through the door. "Now your friends can really see you" he said reaching out to stroke Alex's battered back appreciatively. Alex tensed as he felt Doctor Three's ominous touch.

"Oh no this simply won't do", Doctor Three said dismissively looking down at his fingers, which were now coated in blood from Alex's back. "We'll have to wash you down, get start fresh". The same soldier that had moved Alex left the room only to return quickly this time carrying what appeared to be a garden hose. Moving into the back corner the soldier leaned down and attached the hose to a previously unnoticed spout. The hose started gurgling as water surged through it. The soldier turned the open hose to Alex's bloody back.

Wolf knew the water must be cold and uncomfortable. Just from the way Cub flinched and arched away from the roaring stream. But it wasn't until the water stopped that Wolf realized just how painful the dousing was. Now that all the blood was washed away, flowing across the floor and being taken away by the drainage system, Wolf and the rest of K-Unit could see Alex's form better. Alex was missing both his shoes and his shirt. His cargo pant were wet, disheveled, and riddled with holes. His bare feet appeared to be bruised and the pads of his feet had multiple slashed. But what shocked K-Unit the most was Alex's back. Put simply it was a mess. Old scars layered over with pale white deep cuts, riddled with holes and burns. The skin around the superficial cut was white white the deeper cuts and slashed were pale pink, and appeared to be turning red. Wolf surged against his restraints, too far gone in his anger to care about his own safety.

Doctor Three smiled as the SAS soldiers fought. So they do care, very much so apparently. He turned and after a careful inspection of his favorite toys selected a barbed leather whipped. "Now Alex what was our record last time, 87? Let's see if I can push you farther." Doctor Three said before reeling back and letting the whip fly.   

Sorry for not updating in forever. I love all the comment so keep them coming. Any suggestions or or edits are welcome. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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