Talk to me-Death the kid X reader (soul eater)

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Game after game we play
Our twisted snakes and ladders
Time for the rules to change
You're in my arteries
You're bolting through my body
I'll never be the same

I can't handle the stress anymore. Medusa is the schools nurse and my feelings for the (h/c) keeps growing. (Y/N) would never love an asymmetric piece of garbage like me. (Y/n) is the most symmetrical girl/boy I have ever met. Even when s/he is in weapon form. A voice brings me out of my thoughts, "Kid, come on. It is your turn".

So why won't you talk to me?
Why won't you just talk to me?
There's a universe inside your head
Constellations of the things you left unsaid
Talk to me
Or watch me leave

As he was thinking these thoughts, a certain person was thinking about Death the Kid. S/he wondered why Kid never talked to him/her. S/he loved the way Kid was obsessed about symmetry. (Y/n) could tell Kid wanted to tell her/him many things, but left it all unsaid.

Wave after wave of your meaningless conversation
Changing the subject again
Are you ever gonna wake up?
Are you ever gonna wake up?
Or are you gonna let me just walk away?

S/he finally had gathered the courage to go speak to Kid again. "Kid, come on. It is your turn". Before s/he could say anything, Maka had talked to him. S/he knew that Maka liked Kid and knew him better than her/himself. Walking away slowly, s/he lets tears go down their face ruining their tough act.

All you need to do is talk to me
Why won't you just talk to me?
There's a universe inside your head
Constellations of the things you left unsaid
Talk to me

Maka looks at Kid and tells him, "Kid, come on. It is your turn". She was about to say something when she realized you weren't in the room anymore. She was gonna get Kid to finally talk to you and you weren't even in the room. Kid looked around and spotted (h/c) and was about to run over, but he saw something he never wanted to see again. He saw tears streaming down your face and Blackstar was comforting you. Rage filled Kid as he saw Blackstar hug you.

You will bite your tongue until it bleeds
Hanging by the skin of your own teeth
Silence is the loudest scream
I don't know why you're hiding

Blackstar was comforting you because you and him are siblings. The star symbol was small and on your right forearm. He hugged your body without realizing that Kid was coming up behind him. Snuggling into your brothers arms, your forearm showed that you were in Star Clan. Kid realizes his mistake and says to you, "Hey (Y/n). Thought I should invite you to the sleepover that is happening at my house personally". Your (e/c) looked into his golden ones and nodded.

Why won't you talk to me?
Why won't you just talk to me?
There's a universe inside your head
Constellations of the things you left unsaid
Talk to me

Waking up, he realized that it was all a dream. He knows he needs to talk to you before something happens to him or you. (Y/n) was taken earlier that day when Kid was asleep. Blackstar bursts into the mansion and yells, "Kid! Get down here. We need help". Startled, Kid gets up and looks at Blackstar with worry that his fear already happened.

Why won't you talk to me?
Why won't you just talk to me?
There's a universe inside your head
Constellations of the things you left unsaid
Talk to me

(Y/n) gave up hope because s/he was captured for 2 years. S/he was never even at the DWMA, never even met Kid, Soul, Maka, Liz, or Patty. The (h/c) found a way to get help, but it wasn't even her/him. S/he started singing their favorite song. It just happened to be the one Kid had stuck in his head.

Game after game we play
Our twisted snakes and ladders
Time for the rules to change

It has been 8 years since the help was sent out for (Y/n) to be rescued. The natural (h/c) became a dyed pink and her/his (e/c) was changed with bright gray contacts. Not only was (Y/n) a weapon, s/he could wield him/herself. No one knew who this mysterious girl was but Kid had a feeling that he knew her/him. The girl/boy flashed a smile at Kid making him think s/he is back.

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