Dark Enough-CielxReader-Black Butler

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There is a girl in the front of the class
Who I swear I've never seen her do anything but laugh

I wanted to cry. Faking this laugh, faking this smile, it hurts. How much longer can I do this?

She's tall, she's smart
Beautiful and strong
And when someone's down, she tries to fix what's wrong

I can't stand this. A girl with (h/c) hair walks in with bandages covering one of her eyes and her mouth. I ask Joker, "Who is she? I've never seen her". Joker seemed pained when I asked this. He replies with his voice cold as snow, "She is Mute. Don't ask her for her name. It's implied in her stage name Smile. But, she is one of the top performers who insists on not having a major part. Her name is (y/n) (l/n)".

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt some more?

She's interesting. Mysterious, beautiful, confusing and insecure about herself. Mute, or (y/n) as she would liked to be called, has burns on her arms and cuts from unknown reasons. I just hope she isn't in any plans Joker has for me. I'd hate myself.

How does someone so loving learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade as if her mind isn't dark enough?

I want to help her, but I can't. We became close within the short amount of time I've been here. I ask her, "Can I see what's under the bandages? You don't take them off. Let me take care of them". (Y/n) frantically shakes her head no. I wonder why.

There is a girl in the front of my class
Who's eyes are glazed over like newly cut glass

(Y/n) is asleep and in her room. I've asked Sebastian to figure out what's underneath her bandages since she won't show me. He rejected the order saying that she begged it to not be an order. This confuses me to a great extent. Out of everyone to have asked to not show me, she asked my demonic butler. 

The ghost of a smile
Hints at her face

And she laughs as they tell her
"Who's on first base?"

I asked the (e/c) eyed girl, "Can I see under your bandages? You haven't really said anything since I've asked last time". She just smiles, but it is forced. (Y/n) replies with her voice smooth as silk, "It's alright. I'll be fine Ciel". 

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure?

As to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt some more

(Y/N) didn't want Ciel to know about the 3rd degree burns under her bandages or her death. She asked Sebastian personally before dying so that Ciel never finds out. But, she knows that he's getting suspicious. Ciel is in love with her but doesn't admit it to anyone but himself and his stuffed rabbit. 

How does someone so loving, learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade as if her mind isn't dark enough.

I wonder where (y/n) is. She usually is here with the Undertaker and we would converse until I had to leave. Undertaker says, "Who are you looking for Lord Phantomhive? You've been talking to yourself the last few years in the same spot". Looking at him confused, I ask, "What about (Y/n)? I've been talking to her everyday". 

Her friends tells her jokes like that one with that guy
But all she does is close her eyes and enter her mind

There is no way that (Y/n) has been dead. Undertaker says with a tear slipping through his laughter filled eyes,  "She has been dead Lord Phantomhive. Third degree burns and a stab to the heart. Last words were 'Stay true to your heart'". Tears slip down my usually unsmiling face.

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt some more
How does someone so loving learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade as if her mind isn't dark enough

I wanted to look at her body, but he wouldn't let me. Said that it was one of the things in her will. Even requested before dying that no one were to see her body. The way she bit her tongue while concentrated or even how her (h/c) hair shined. Only thing was, (Y/n) was dead. No one helped her, no one knew about it. 

For her imperfections...
There is a girl in the front of the class
Who yesterday took the breath that was her last

I looked at her will and saw a few neatly written words. 'I'm sorry for not helping'. I knew she was a bit insane, but she was always like that for as long as I have known her.

She wrote a few notes
I'm sorry I didn't say but my mind was messed up, you couldn't save me anyway
And the girl in the back of the class feels the way I did

I have been talking about (Y/n) with (b/f/n) even since she died. I'm not sure what to think. Should I take my own life? Should I visit her grave? For the first time in awhile, I'm confused. I whisper out softly, "How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure? As to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more". Cuts and burns covered her skin. How did I not recognize this at first? I'm scared. It's as if my mind isn't Dark Enough.

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