Chapter 3

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They climbed the mountain a lot faster than either man thought. By just before sunset, they were at the top, looking down at the world.

"Camelot's should be that way." Uther pointed to the far East. "I think we should camp for the night on the ground." Uther continued looking at the amazing view until he heard Merlin scream.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Uther yelled at the boy.

"It's a thing I do. Arthur thinks it's stupid too, but it helps. No one can hear you up here so you yell on the top of your lungs your problem and just get it off your chest." Uther, who was speechless at how stupid it was, watched as the boy screamed.

"Stupid destiny!" Merlin yelled, instantly feeling the weight that is always on his chest become lighter.

Utter watched as the boy, became younger. It wasn't sorcery but he looked younger. His eyes were younger. Happier. His smile much bigger, his chest rising higher. His whole body moved as if it had just lost a hundred pounds to carry in a moment.

Merlin looked at Uther expectantly. "No."

"Come on! It's fun."

"I am king of Camelot. When I say no I mean no. Understand?"

"That's exactly why you should do this. Being prince is hard, I've seen it first hand. I can't imagine how stressful being king is."

"You need to learn respect boy. My word should be the last."

"Why? That's stupid." Uther looked ready to hurt the boy.

"It wouldn't be Camelot if your word was last. It would be Uther-land. We live in Camelot because we have an amazing prince. Because we have a group of knights that are willing to do anything for their home. We are Camelot because we care about the people around us. We are Camelot because of its people. Not just you. If it were just you, Camelot would be in ruins."

"Are you saying that I cannot run my kingdom?" Now Uther was the same color as the sun set.

"No, just that you can't do it alone." Uther was shocked. Merlin, the idiotic servant his son complains about, was speaking words of wisdom to Uther. And it was honestly wise.

Merlin looked at him again, with a knowing smirk. Merlin knew he had won. Uther looked out at the scene in front of him. And screamed.

For a good minute.

He yelled of sorcery, of being a king, of Morgana being her rebellious self. Anything and everything he could think of. And he felt great. Younger, happier, lighter.

"We should get going." Uther said after a moment.

"Feel better?" Merlin smirked. He only revived a glare.

After Merlin created a fire both men fell asleep immediately. Merlin was the first to wake. At first, he was confused, he was in the woods alone with Uther. But then he remembered that he was captured.

Merlins next thought was food. Merlin was starving and Uther was bound to be as well. After scanning the area he saw a group of three bunnies. Sadly he said a spell and killed the two of the bunnies, painlessly. (Merlin can't handle killing animals) Each was fairly big, definitely enough for breakfast. Merlin started the fire once more and cooked the animals.

Uther woke up to the smell of bunnies and god did it smell good. He sat up to see Merlin holding a bunny over the fire with another bunny in his other hand, waiting for something.

"Good morning, Sire." Merlin said without even looking at him. Uther nodded. Merlin held out the bunny to Uther, which he gladly took.

Uther took a bite and was astonished. It was fantastic!

"What did you do to it? Other than cook it of course."

"I saw some spices over there-" he gestured behind himself. "- and just slathered them in it. I'm not the biggest fan of bunnies." Uther nodded.

"I must say, Merlin. They were enjoyable." Merlin knew that this was the nicest thing Uther will ever saw to him, ever.

"Thank you." Merlin stood and put on his jacket, which he had been using as a pillow.

"Let's continue." Uther said as he started walking. Merlin sped up to follow him. The king and warlock walked for a half of an hour in a somewhat comfortable silence. That was until Merlin went to stand next to Uther.

"Do you still whittle?"

"I never have the time." Merlin frowned at that.

Merlin and Uther spent most of the rest of the day wandering in silence. Until Merlin finally gained the courage to speak the question he's had since he came to Camelot.

"Why is Magic outlawed?" Uther just looked at the boy as if he had three heads.

"Magic is evil." Uther stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"In Orin's land magic is allowed, well looked down upon because of your laws and ideas. But still legal. And magic was legal before I was born, what changed your mind?"

"My court sorceress committed treason." Merlin had to fight back his, 'that's it'. Merlin nodded wanting to hear more but didn't press it.

"She killed my wife. Igraine and I could not have children. No children meant no heir. We begged her for a child. Male or female, although a male would be even better. But all we needed was a child. For our kingdom and our own personal want. She told us that she could do it but for a dangerous price." He spits out the word as if it were a bad taste.

"Thinking that she just wanted money we pushed off the threat to overjoyed that she was with child. Then it was minutes, if not seconds after she held him for the first time when we learned the price." Uther's voice cracked.

"The price for bringing a life into the world is to take a life. It was mine or hers. We both quickly volunteered ourselves. But, she chose her. My Igraine has never done a single wrong thing in her life. I, however, did many stupid and wrong things, still do. And she is the one that died. That is why Magic is evil." His voice was small and weak. It was then that Merlin realized that Uther wasn't just some crazy old tyrant. He actually had a reason do think that Magic was evil. And he had the power to stop it. He thinks he is doing the world a justice.

Merlin understood him. He may not have liked what he did but Merlin understood. And that made it slightly worse.

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