part 2

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"Hi again Anushey" he says with a wide grin on his charming face. I stand behind the desk in disbelief.

"Hi Harry" I say completely shocked.

"why so shocked? thought I wouldnt find you" he responded cheekily.

"exactly that" I laugh. "So how did you find me?" I sigh.

"I followed you to work, you really dont look back do you" he laughed.

"guess not, but anyway the game is £35.99 in case you were still wondering" I smiled.

"I wasnt, to be honest I just wanted an excuse to talk to you to rearrange that coffee date of ours, whens your lunch break?" he asked hopefully.

I looked up at the clock and realise it said half 12. Just the owner came in.

"Just now" I whisper to Harry.

He smiles.

"Hi Anushey you can take your lunch break now and I wont need you back until 2.30, I think youve deserved the extra time off for opening up" the owner says. He was always nice like that.

Just like that I had picked up me coat, thanks the owner and walked out with Harry.

On the way to the cafe he was taking me to we small talked and found out we had a lot in common, he liked the 1975 like me and various other similarities. He was really sweet and kind although he could act cocky at times but it just made me attracted to him more, in a weird way I guess.

Once we got the cafe we sat down in the back away from the window. luckily because it was a school day hardly any fans were able to see us, which helped us stay calm and not have to rush. All through the lunch we were continually laugh and there was no awkward silences.

After we had finished, Harry paid the bill and we left, we had 15 minutes before I had to be back at work, which sucked but he understood. Once we got outside the shop we said our goodbyes.

"I had fun this lunch time, usually it would be night anf usually I would try and kiss you goodnight but I guess I'm going to have to improvise" he said as he leaned closer to me. His eyes kept glancing to my lips and mine switching between he eyes and lips. We both leaned in until our lips touched. As cliche as it sounds I could definitely feel sparks. His lips were gently yet rough in a way, soft yet firm. Baiscally my idea of a perfect kiss. We pulled away after a few seconds, short and sweet. Cute. He handed me a piece of paper, I looked at it.

"so you can see me again and I dont have to follow you to ask for another date." he smirked as he waked off.

I stood there staring wondering what just happened. When I came back to reality I realised I had to go back to work, luckily I wasnt late. But I could not wait to text him later.


Okay I think this is the last part!

Unless you want a third party Anushey!

Twitter: @ThatSmallKiddo

Harry Imagine for AnusheyWhere stories live. Discover now