Part 3

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So this has turned into like a short fanfic woops but I really like writing it :)


I finally had gotten home from work and went upstairs to get changed into some joggers and a tee. I went to the mirror and looked at my hair, ugh the wind always messes it up. I decide its best to tie it up, like Im no seeing anyone later anyway. Once I put my hair in a messy bun I looked at the time it was 6.15pm, looks like I best go make some food. I pick up my phone and I make my way to the kitchen and I look in the cupboards and fridge wondering what I could have, in the end I decided just to make some scrambled egg and toast because its the only thing I have energy for. Once I had my food I sat down and turned the TV on and started watching the soap which was on. I pick my phone up and see I have 3 new text messages. wow

One was from my friend Chloe

'got a break of uni and work we need to meet up, its been forever!xx'

I smile and text her back

'yeah we do, you will never guess what happened today!xx'

Chloe and Me know everything about eachother, shes been so kind since she helped me move to London.

The other two texts were from Harry.

How did he get my number.

'you really shouldnt leave your phone in your coat when you go to the bathroom, anyone cant get it and check your number.

Oh Harry

the second one read:

'text me when you see this, I want to plan a second date ;)'

I reply to him

'now going through my coat was not nice to do and oh a second date, it depends if I'm free x'

I laugh and put my phone down.

The rest of the night was watching TV, texting Harry and Chloe and skyping my family back home.

It was 11.30pm by now now and I decided to check my twitter.

Woah, I realised loads of people had followed me and then I saw a picture of my and Harry.


I didnt mind though I just sorta wondered who couldve took it.

I spent 10 minutes on twitter, tweeting, and looking at my timeline before I better go bed ready for work tomorrow.

I fell asleep within 5 minutes.

*next day*

I hear my alarm ringing signally its 7am. Ugh. I role out of bed and go get ready for work. I once I finish I go through my mental checklist. Shower, check. Teeth, check. Work clothes, Check. Phone, check. Makeup to look presentable, check. purse, check.

I leave the house an take my normal routine to work, go to the cafe and get a drink. Thinkning back it was this time yesterday I bumped into Harry. it feels so weird. I arrive at work a little later because I didnt have to open up. Its the usual work shift, I take a break and look at my phone. 2 new messages.

'are you free for lunch again?'

'you best be, see you at 1pm'

Looks like I dont get a say in this. I text him back saying okay and head back to work until lunch.


Part 4 will be soon. I dont know how parts I will do but I hope you like it Anushey!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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