Resolutions for 2017

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2016 kicked my ass, enough said.  What ever my resolutions were, I didn't manage to accomplish them. 

Resolution 1 - I want to be more healthy in general. I know this is a cliché and overdone resolution but hear me out. I'm incredibly insecure and uncomfortable with my appearance, especially my legs.  And other than that, I've been having stomach issues lately. I really want to be a more athletic person but it's just hard to get myself motivated.

Resolution 2 - I want to decide on my answer to the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Mostly because my cousin is going off to college and my mom keeps asking me what I want to go to college for and it's annoying.

Resolution 3 - I want to stop procrastinating.

Resolution 4 - I want to do more cosplays/get better at cosplaying/learn to sew. This is my less serious resolution. I just wanna cosplay so I can go to conventions and dress up like fictional characters I like. It's not a phase mom, this is who I am.

Resolution 5 - I. Want. To. Find. My. Art. Style.

Anyways. I hope 2016 isn't the dawn of an era of crappy years. Have a happy and healthy New Year. May Donald Trump and Mike Pence die in a hellfire.


Resolution 6 - I want to learn to ice skate. I blame Yuri on Ice entirely.

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