Chapter 1

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The grand clock my grandfather passed down to my mother cry's its twelfth chyme as I watched the date tick over on my phone.

December 31st.

The date that's been looming in the back of my mind for as long as I can remember was here.

In a little under seven hours my mother will sob secretly in the bathroom as she did for my brothers before me.

In twelve hours, we will be having our last family meal. Where my dad will make some proud speech about his little boy being all grown up like he did on my birthday.

And in 24 hours,everything will change.

My body trembles slightly as I think about it.
As I think about Luca. Would I meet the same dismal fate.

Tears threaten to well in my eyes as I dig at the 2 year old wound.

I couldn't let that happen.

Giving up on the hopes of falling back asleep I dragged myself from beneath the covers. Wrestling with a most likely dirty singlet from my bedroom floor before making my way out our front door.

It was as easy as breathing for me to slip my joggers on in the dark and set off down the driveway.
Id been running every morning since I was twelve and sometimes its been the only way to clear my mind.

Except for today.

Today I ran myself to exhaustion, and still couldn't shake the feeling that I was just, saying goodbye.

It was about half past seven when my parents came down stares muttering to each other. Their expressions freezing when they discovered me shoveling cereal into my mouth at the kitchen counter.

"good morning sweety" my mother spoke first briskly sweeping herself to the jug and re boiling it. "Coffee?"

I glanced at my empty mug and smiled at her a string of milk dribbling down my chin. She smirked lightly though her strained eyes confirming that my prediction was more than correct.

I watched as she took the mug and spun around shoulders falling as her face disappeared from my view.

"So today's a big day." My father slowly slid into the seat next to me.

I nodded silently staring into my bowl.

"your brother will be over for lunch." He stretched to reach the paper.

"I know." I replied sticking another spoonful in my mouth. They hadn't told me but I knew the drill.

"ohh" my father sighed looking down at the page in front of him.
"And the selection starts at six."

"I know. Thanks ma" I smiled sweetly into her amber eyes as she slid the cup over to me.

Everyone says I have her eyes, something Ill be able to remember her by while I'm away I guess.

She abruptly moved away from me, heading for her usual seat.

Glancing at my father from the corner of my eye I placed my spoon gently on the bench and grasped my bowl with both hands. Without hesitation I pushed the porcelain against my lips and tipped the remaining content down my throat.
Wiping the milk from my chin with the back of my hand as he almost immediately started upping me.

"Really Ash? I raised you better than to slurp from a bowl like a pig." The familiarity of the moment brought a grin to my face as I practically jumped to my feet.

"Im going to see if Zale Is awake." I announced placing my bowl in the sink.

Dad shook his head as I pulled my coffee into my hand and headed out the back door flashing a smirk at my mother on the way past.

Zale is my neighbour.Always has been. He and his sister Zinnia were born only a month after me. He was like the little brother I never had and she, she was so much more.

Sliding side ways through a gap in the fence I waved to his mother through the kitchen window. She made the best pancakes I had ever tasted and it was no surprise she was slaving over the stove. Her way of dealing with stress I think.

Sipping my drink I stared up at the second story window.
Wide open as usual.

I stood there for a moment finishing my coffee and contemplating if I should leave him sleep.

But as I swallowed the last swig from my cup I decided it would be a shame to let him sleep away his last day.

Digging the mug into the ground beside my bare foot I stretched my arms.

It was almost to easy to pull myself into the large tree growing between our houses. I'd only fallen from the old oak once when I was blind drunk and dressed as a chicken. Something we never discuss.

I balanced myself on the branch and lined myself up for the leap.
Like the ninja I am at heart I propelled myself out of the tree latching to the window frame like a monkey.

I waited a moment listening for any sign of movement inside before pulling myself up and sliding into his room.

Straightening my self up I looked around his spotless room. A smirk etching its way onto my face at the sight of his sleeping form.

His but stuck high in the air and face hidden by his tangled blonde hair. I shook my head lightly his light snores continuing as I wondered around his room before planting my but on his desk and turning to stare at the calendar on his wall. Without taking my eyes off the page I snatched a pen from the desk and jumped back to my feet.

I crossed yesterdays date off and circled today. Which sent my mind back down the rabbit hole Id almost managed to escape.

A moan behind me reminded me why I was here and I spun around smirking at him.

God I hope this kid lives to.

Without hesitation I forcefully shot the pen into his raised posterior.

"Wake up loser" I near shouted which earned me a groan.

Reaching behind me I picked up another pen this time hurtling it towards his head.

Several pens later his blue eyes stared sleepily at me from under his hair.

"One of these days you'll break your neck." he grumbled. Rolling onto his side.

"Not likely" I scoffed making my way to his bed which I proceeded to climb onto.

He had closed his eyes again but should have known I wouldn't give up that easily.

"Piss off" he muttered as I began to shake his bed.

"Zale" I continued to shake him until he opened his eyes again.

"I'm not letting you go back to sleep." He sighed and I shook the bed again.

"well get out of the way then." he lifted his leg to kick me as I jumped from the bed victorious.

Slowly he came to life pulling himself into a sitting position.

"I cant believe its already here." He had his head in his hands now.

My smile sunk.

"yea" I mumbled. "but we'll be fine." I tried to convince myself more than him.

"You promise." I ran a hand through my dark curls.

My mind telling me not to make a promise I cant keep and my heart telling me that my best friend didn't need the truth right now.

"Yea man. I promise, we'll be back here before you know it."


So I've been writing this one for a while now and couldn't keep it to myself any longer, hope you enjoy!


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