Chapter 1

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*beep* *beep* *beep* I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock "uggh I am not ready for school today" I grumbled to myself remembering the late night I had trying to figure out more about my role as king in the ghost zone. "Danny" I heard my mother call "if you don't hurry you'll be late for school" I looked at the clock 7:30 well shit school starts at 8 I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt grabbing my bag as I ran down stairs. "Bye mom dad see ya later" I yelled running out the door.

I was pretty out of breath when I got to school having missed the buss and running a mile and half to get here but at least with my ghostly activities I had gained some stamina. Looking at a clock near by I saw that it was only 7:55 if I rushed I could get to my first hour English class on time for once. I quickly ran there and went burst in "well mister Fenton nice to see you on time for once" my teacher Mr. Lancer said as a few kids chuckled while I walked to my spot near my two friends Tucker and Sam. I took out my note book and a pencil ready to either sleep or doodle while Mr. Lancer droned on about what ever 'amazing artist' of a writer he had us read a story of recently.

The boring lecture never came because before he could say anything the door slammed open to reveal My PaReNtS!? Why where they here? "Well I had hoped I would have been able to tell all of you before Mr. and Mrs Fenton had arrive but I suppose I will just let them explain" Mr. Lancer said. "We have come-" Mom started off to be cut off by Jack "YOUR CLASS WAS CHOSEN TO TAKE A FIELD TRIP TO THE GHOST ZONE!" I looked over at Tucker and Sam to see if they knew anything about this but they looked about as confused and worried as I felt. Mom continued "it will be on Friday and last till the morning of Sunday we will all meet at Fenton works at 8am so that we can make sure we have every thing before we leave" she started passing out a paper to everyone "you will need to have your parents sign this if you wish to come." After that they left and I was left with the rest of the hour to let the information process.

After class Sam Tucker and I decided that we should all meet at my house to discus a plan. The rest of the day went by like a blur with me barely noticing anything my teachers said.

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