Chapter 1

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I was in seventh grade...

when I realized I was invisible, Well, not that kind of invisible, No, it was more like I was just,you know, kind of,.,


A-N-O-N- I-M-O-U-S,


I'm sorry, That's wrong,



It's not that I didn't try, I mean, I was

always a real... Loser,


Loser, Of course, when it came to

love... Yeah,

Let's just say it sucked, S-U-C-K-E-D,


There was another thing working

against me,


*Flash Back*

The door bell rings, and i go to answer it..

"Hi"I say

"Hey, I'm Justin, I live just next door..." the guy in front of the door says.

"and, uh, my mom sent me over...,with these brownies or something" he continues.

"Oh, hi, I'm Eleanor" i respond.

"W-We just moved here, I mean, duh- the boxes and everything..." i ramble.

"Holy jama lama" he says after his jaw literally fell at the sight of my mum.


That other thing is... my mom,


"Hi, I'm Lori" my mum greets the guy.

"Um... I made these for you" he says.

"Be careful; you're hot, I mean...they're hot, So hot" i stutter.


She's never had any trouble landing men, She's just had trouble keeping them, I used to keep track, but I found it exhausting, So, I just call 'em all... Skip.

*Flash Back*

"Hi, Eleanor" i greet the man next to my mum.

"I'm going... to be... your new... father"

"Maybe we shouldn't...get ahead of ourselves now, Skip" i say.

"It's, uh, it's Steve, kiddo, Why do you keep calling me Skip?" he says.


Because, eventually... that's what they all do,Cheat!

It's happened so many times that my mom's developed... a very mature reaction,

A quick therapy session... or two... or three... and then we pack up the car and flee to another town,

Okay, maybe being invisible does have its advantages, Because, moving all the time...

I never had to deal with the whole ''awkward good-bye''thing, It wasn't easy, but in just a few short months...

I went from sort of unknown to...hmm,

But enough about me.

This story isn't even about me, It's about him,

Harry Styles, Let's face it, He is the man, Captain of the basketball team, his family's loaded...

and he looks somewhere between an Abercrombie model... and a Greek god.


It's was the first day of junior year, and i'm the new kid, like always!

Most of the day in school went ..

good, i'm still invisible, but it's good.

Then i head to the gym, clearly there is a basketball match, and the crowd is cheering, and all i hear is..

"Styles!" "Let's go,Harry!

Kill the Bobcats!" The school cheers.

Not real bobcats, I mean, they're endangered,


"This is Taylor Swift" A girl with a microphone says to the camera.

"It's no question who's taking the Kodiaks to State this year",

"Harry Styles here, also known as


" ''H-Man,''



Taylor speaks through the microphone.

"some people call me ''H-Money''", but I'm best known as ''El Captain'' Harry responds to Taylor by snatching the mic from her hands, and smirking to her.


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