Chapter 3

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Harry was confident...

in his system for juggling girls...

but even he couldn't anticipate the events of Black Tuesday.

A coach obliged all of the girls to go to the gym, after finding my way through the crown, i finally reach the gym.

"Coach Claypoole had acute angina" the coach tells us.

"It was a pre-existing condition, and she stabilized...and took early retirement in Sun City, Florida" the coach says.

"Anyway, the point is...Coach Claypoole is in the we're combining all first period gym classes, Yeah, yeah, I know, We all hate each other" she continues.

"No, we hate you" one of the girls remarks and the girls laugh.

"Okay,Jennifer, Alison, Molly...Sarah, Denise and Kimmi, this side!" the coach tells the girls.

"On this side, I want Kendall, Taylor, Cara and...what's-your-face" she asks me.

"I'm Eleanor, Eleanor" i answer her.

"All right, ladies... let's play ball!" The coach yells.

"You're Cara, right? I'm Eleanor" I ask Cara, obviously i know the answer, i just wanted a reason to talk to her.

"So?" she answers, but it seems like if it's a question.

"You weren't at the party last night, Where were you?" some girl asks Cara.

"Well, this is totally on the DL, I mean, not fit to print, I'm dating...Harry Styles" Cara answers the girl.

Taylor hits Cara with a ball.

"Hey!" Cara yells to Taylor.

"Sorry, It slipped" Taylor responds to Cara.

"Okay, All right, I'm fine" Cara says.

"Okay, everybody, Let's play" The coach says.

"You know what? That was no accident! He's mine! Stay away from him!" Taylor attacks Cara, first with words, next thing you know, she's snatching cara's hair out.

"Oh, you little brat!" Cara yells.

"Oh! Girls! Peace and love! Come on! No guy is worth fighting over! Stop! There's nothing to fight about!" Kendall tells both of them.

"Harry Styles's mine!" Cara screams.

"Oh!" is the only thing Kendall can say.

But you know what they say, actions

speak louder than words.

And with that been said, Kendall pushes Cara making her trip down.

"What the hell is your problem?" Cara asks Kendall.

"I am dating Harry Styles" Kendall answers.

"Enough!" The coach screams, And Kendall knocks out Cara.

"Let's get back in the game, Enough! Stop it, Kendall" The coach yells.

"Darn it, Coach, Let me at her!" Kendall yells back.

"Just let me get them!" Taylor screams.

" Put those balls down! Put those balls down! Put down those balls!" The coach screams at them and trying to break them apart so they don't kill each other.

"Just stop! This guy is cheating on all of you...and instead of taking it out on're beating the shit out of each other?!" I yell at them because i've had enough with their stupid fight.

"Language!" The coach yells at me.

"Detention, You, you, you and you!" The coach points at the four of us.

"Honestly!" Taylor remarks.

I just start to walk away from this mess.

"Who is that?" Kendall asks.

"I don't know, Louise... something" Cara answers her, clearly she doesn't know my name.

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