Chapter 1

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"Look out!" Pete Wentz yelled as a soccer ball whizzed past a girl named Kat's head.

"That could've hit me!" She says.

"You could've ducked," he shrugged as a teacher appeared out of his room, "Mr. Wentz no soccer balls in the school. Detention."

"Are you shitting me?" Pete groans, "Mr. Armstrong please."

She rolls her eyes before starting to walk away.

The bell rang as she walked into her classroom. A short man flicked a piece of paper at a girl.

"Frank you asshole," she hissed smack him. Frank smacked back, and it turned into a slapping fight.

"Woah look sissy fight!" The class comedian Joe stood up and started chanting 'fight', people joined him.

"Oh great." She mutters sitting down in her seat. A man in red hair walked into the class room, the teacher following.

"Iero, Way stop fighting. Everyone sit down. You two," he pointed at Frank and the girl, "have detention, and so does your brother here for being late to class again and trying to paint on the school."

"Not my fault this school is boring," he mumbled.

"Did not need this today." The girl who had gotten a detention says.

"Oh come on Giselle maybe we'll be cleaning out he fish tank," Frank laughs poking her shoulder.

"Don't touch me Iero."

"Cut the chatter," the teacher frowned.

"Yes sir Mr. Hoppus," Joe shot up from his chair and saluted the Mr. Hoppus.

"Trohman sit down and be quiet or you'll join them."

"Now the Civil War-"

Everyone groaned.

"-was fought from 1860-64."

Kat raised her hand.

"Yes Miss Ross?" Mr. Hoppus sighed.

"Actually it's 1865," she corrected him.

"Ah yes thank you Miss Ross. Can you see me after class please?"

"Am I seriously getting a detention for knowing something?"

"Just see me after class."


The class soon ends and she walks over to him, to which he hands her an orange slip.

"Freaking called it." She mumbles taking it.

"Hey Kat what's wrong?" Her good friend Patrick met her at her locker; she holds up her detention slip.

"Hoppus again?" He chuckled pushing up his glasses.


"This is why I dropped his class."

"I would if I could."

"Oh well. We got three semesters left," he shrugged.

"Thank god. How's your sister?"

"She says she's doing something important. Like saving the world important," he laughs, "they just look like toys though."

"She's something else." She shakes her head.

"I like to think she's adopted," he smiles.

"Why do you say that?"

"She's the special snowflake of the family."

"I like to think she's adopted," he smiles, "you coming to chem with me?"

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