Rochel Snow White

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Name: Rochel Snow White
Like: to go to waterfalls
Dislike: nil
Family: Snow White (grandmother), Hawk (brother)
Friends: Rose Cinderella,Travis Beast, Astoria Rapunzel,Joy lefrog and Hawk Snow White
Enemies:Vicky Broomstick, Cyrus Broomstick and Ruby Stepsister
Love interest: nil
Magic: waterfall magic
Apearance: She has blonde hair with two blue stripes in. And has blue eyes that sparkles at waterfalls.
Normal clothes: She wears a blue shirt with a light blue colour. With a pink knee length short and silver flat shoes.
Personality:She is smart, clumsy, funny and loves shoes and know when a waterfall is near her. The two blue stripes in her hair glows if she is near or a kilometre away and showes her band around her arm or her necklace around her neck and showes the way. She always need to save her brother from all the girls except his friends.

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