Omg yes!!!

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Rose POV.

I can't wait. Tonight Hawk has a suprise for me. I can't wait to find out what it is. So over just a hour I'll be with Hawk.

~1hour later~

"Hey it's time to go." Said Hawk. "Where are we going?" I asked. To my disappointment he told me if he said where it was, it isn't going to be a secret. We arrived at a cave. "Here we are."" A cave?" I asked

Hawks POV.

So I planned this a million times. Take her in and show her around then distract her and get on one knee. Hopefully this works. "Yes, but the date is inside." I answered. She walked in and when I heard her gasp, I chuckled. She was really cute. "Omg, I love you a lot Hawkie." Hawkie??? Omw, she seriously called me Hawkie? Omw. "Oops sorry. Forgot you hate that nickname." Rose said in a apologize way. "No, it's fine. And I love you more any way."

~10 minutes later~

Rose POV.

"Hey look at that gem." Hawk said. When I looked where he showed I saw an emrald. When I turned around to look at him he was on one knee. I swear I started crying. "Rose Cinderella, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asked sweating. "Omg, yes!!!" I said half yelling. He scooped me up in his arms and kissed me. This is the happily ever after I dreamed of over years!!!

Hey guys. I know it's short and I'll try to update more longer ones and earlier. So what do you guys think??? Oh yeah and I need advice. I kinda sorta like this one boy and he isn't really the best kind of friends say I need to get over him. What do you guys suggest?
Thanks a lot. Love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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