Chapter 1 Erase the Typical

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A giant Christmas tree standing in the middle of the wide garden of the convent entices the passers by.It drags people to peek on tall old-steeled gates observing how the giant old tree during summer turned into an enthralling Christmas tree.Well,surely it's because of the artistry of those nuns living inside the convent.Not only does the garden come up with a transformation but also the inside of the convent.Recycled paper lanterns shine with bulbs and colorful garlands make the doorway welcoming to everyone who will come through.

It is now the evening before Christmas.The night for a tradition Sister Maria,the head of the nuns wants to do annually--the giving of gifts to poor and homeless children.She also invites persons who are willing to share what they can give.And it always ends with the typical and simple Noche Buena.

But this night is not the typical one because someone erases that word.

Fye,a new recruited nun who stays in the convent for almost a year lies on her bed killing time reading his favorite book Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare.She doesn't notice it's already evening and nuns are hurrying to organize everything for the night.A knock from her door wakes her from the dreamy love story.

"Fye!Fye!Are you in there?Open the door.It's Elisse."

She hears her bestfriend behind the wooden door.She immediately put the book inside her cabinet and runs for the door.Suddenly,the door swings open and a white-faced nun enters into her room.

"Why are you such in a hurry Elisse?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes,you are.Look at yourself.You are blushing."

"Oh!Is it so perceptible?"

"Yeah!Why is that?"

"Luke Johnson is in here.You know him don't you?"

Fye rolls her eyes in disbelief.And that earns her a slap on her shoulder.

"Owww!" Fye exclaims.

"He's so handsome!He is there speaking with Sister Maria.His eyes are blue and I can't help myself but to stare at them.Then he looked at me then I---"

"STOP!Stop it now Elisse.That is a sin remember?We are nuns and that is inappropriate."Fye explains with his palm stretched.


"Okay okay..I understand.Let's just focus on other things.Everything is going to be alright."

Fye squeezes her bestfriend's hand with sympathizing eyes.

After pursuing a course being a massage therapist and entering into the convent,Elisse Mendes is her one and truest bestfriend.They are both twenty-three.Elisse's family died because of catastrophy and she is the lone survivor.That made her to enter into a convent because a kind nun lended her heart to take care of her.While Fye had been pushed to be a nun to grant her grandmother's last wish before she died and it is her to be a servant of the Lord.She loves her grandma very much for she is the one who took care of her since her parents died.She studied to become a masseuse for her and even becoming a nun is not what she want she accepted it wholeheartedly.

She admits it to herself.Even though she already stays there in almost a year,she can't adapt a hundred percent.She always misses her hobbies reading books,writing poems,singing aloud with her guitar and cooking with her grandma.She is not fond of talking with different people.And she always spends her day inside her room.With that misery,she is just thinking of what her grandma told her once.

The day when her grandma saw her stuffing her mouth with big bites on a big apple to ease her stress."Devour your problems like eating an apple,after seconds you will just find yourself burping."She always smiles with that thought.

Fye and Elisse both know each other secrets.That Elisse has a big crush on Luke Johnson,a businessman who comes up every month to visit the sister of her grandma,Sister Maria and for charitable purposes.That Fye didn't feel the call of God and she has misery being inside the convent.They watch each other's back and always there for each other whatever happens.

Elisse drags her out of her room to the garden to help in arranging the foods on tables.They work efficiently with behavior nuns must possess.
Then they help in wrapping gifts inside the mini library of the convent.Suddenly,Elisse moves closer to her then she whispers.

"Fye!I forgot to tell you something."

"Sshh!Be quiet.What is that?"

"About Luke...he went here last day..and..he"

"I said stop talking about him.You're avoiding him now,don't you?You promise me."

"Yeah.I know.But this is important.This is not about me but about you."

Fye suddenly gets goose bumps.The guy's handsome yet intimidating face pops out from her mind.She already noticed he is eyeing her during those days of his visit but she just remained silent for that is the best thing to do that time.She didn't even said it to Elisse.She is afraid of what might she feel about it.

"What is that about me?"Her voice nearly cracked.

"I didn't know.He just asked me if I know your name."

"Did you give him?" Fye rubs her sweaty hands.

"Yeah.I think he's nice so it doesn't matter if i give him,right?"

"Yeah!It doesn't."

Even though she's agreeing it doesn't matter,inside she is trembling.

What if he wanted to kick me out of this convent because he already knew I do not deserve to be here?I can't do that.My conscience will haunt me.

She cocks her head to stop the nonsense.

"I think Sister Maria always talks about you when he's around.You are the smartest here!" Elisse exclaims.

"Haha.I'm not." She laughs diminishing the thought.

"Yes you are!You're so humble girl!I can't believe I had you as my bestfriend." Elisse points her finger to her laughing.

They almost jump out of their seats when a voice came out from behind.

"Ehemm...Good evening sisters.Can I have a seat with you?"

Fye regrets the time when she looks in his eyes for she finds herself drowning in the depth of it.

There stands their topic--Luke Johnson.


Thank you for reading.I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.Find more about Fye and Luke!

Bye for now!

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