Delicate Dalila

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(All in bold are Author notes!) This is my first story, that im actually putting up on Wattpad!! Soo exciteddd! Soo...Coolio. Hope you enjoy! Remember: First story... Please dont judge!_


  As my alarm clock blasted " Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance, and I shuffled in bed. I stayed laying lethargically in bed for about another 35 minutes. Finally I decided to get my lazy butt up and prepare for another dragging day at school. I scoffed under my breathe and scooted of the bed. I peeked at the clock, it read 6: 45. Shit, I have to be at school by 7:30! I hopped out of bed and ran to my bedroom counter. There lays a polka-dot dress, orange with black dots, and damn was it short! But wha- ohhhh.....Right. Casandra. I see what she's doing. She's guilt tripping me. Casandra is a bit.... stubborn, as people might say. She won't take "no" as an answer. So you see, long story short: Me= Tomboy, She= Girly girl, Me= Sneakers, she= Bejeweled ballet slippers, so on so forth.

 So today is my first day of 11th grade, and Casandra was making a big deal last night saying stuff like, "Oh god!! Oh my god!! Blue or pink dress? Oh lord...nothing matches my blue dress! But for my pi- oh wait I have navy blue open-toed shoes! Wait bu- No waait...What...I LENDED THOSE TO KATIE!!!!!!", or even saying "What color should by underwear be..." and all I could do was lightly nudge her shoulder, and try not to laugh. Other that that, she "accidental" left her favorite dress, in my bedroom, probably hoping I would wear it. Well she was way off.

I walked to my closet, sliding open the door, I picked out a simple outfit consisting of: Black leggings, a creme colored baggy sweatshirt, and Galaxy Vans. Simple. As. That. I really wasn't looking to "rock the runway" in a learning environment. As well as that, I'm not participating in a "Who can push the boobs higher and show more skin" contest. I couldn't care less how I appealed to the male population. As I finished sliding on my leggings and yanking on my sweater, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, starting to squint. I had a debate with my self weather to shove my hair up, or finally brush it and let it down. I had Light brown-ish Auburn-ish hair. With thick curls at the bottoms. My hair reached just above my butt, and I actually was planning on a hair cut, but then again... I'm one lazy mother flubber. Oh there is another thing about me. I try my best not to curse much, but yet I do. Everyone says its not "Lady like..." well too bad.

 I finally decided to put my hair down, due to the fact, as pleasing it is not to have hair in my face all the time, my hair was so thick and heavy... Buns hurt. And when I say hurt... I really REALLY mean hurt. After ruffling my hair a little, I ran down stairs, slipped on my shoes and walked towards the door, skipping break feast. " Hey Lyla!" my older brother screamed as he flared his arms in the air like a four year old, he was 18, i was 17. Still I'm surprised he's older than me. "Hya Dane!" I mimicked the screechy way he said my name. I hated the way people called me Lyla. If my mom took the liberty of taking time to name me Dalila, should'nt people use that name? "Food, little anorexic lady?" he asked jokingly, "No, my dear overweight brother..." I sarcastically smiled, rolled my eyes, smirking as I walked out the door. I jogged over to my bike and wide-eyed, I stared at it. one of the wheels were popped. I quickly face palmed then grabbed my skateboard from the garage, I set it down and stepped over it, gliding swiftly on the side walk

" Yes! I made it!" I grinned sheepishly and approached the school gate. I quickly remembered that they confiscate skateboards.. I froze, and quickly tossed my skateboard in the bush and hoped to find it there after school. I slid open the gate running in. When I reached the halls I relaxed. My Homeroom was close, so I calmly walked, every now and then waving or smiling to one of my friend, although it might sound odd all boys. The only friend I had that was a girl would be Cassandra. Oh well. I was happy. At least I wasnt a flirt. Finally reaching my home room.... I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and let the breathe out opening the door....

Delicate DalilaWhere stories live. Discover now