Chapter 12~Photograph...

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(Y/N P.O.V.)

I woke up with Sans still clung on to my back.He felt warm...For a skeleton that is.I'm not really a morning person so I decided that I would just stay like how I am now for the moment till' I get my bearings back.I look around the room my eyes still half closed.It reminds me of my room back on the surface.It was pretty messy with a mini-tornado?Meh, i'll roll with it.I also saw a guitar with what looked like a skull on the side of it.I felt a shuffling sound behind me so I turned my head around to just see Sans fast asleep like he was before.

After a bit I felt a bit better now that I feel like i've woken up a bit more so I attempt to sit up only to be pulled back down by a mystery force."Umm...Sans?hey, I know your awake."I stubbornly said to him turning around to face him."Welp, you got me."Sans said winking at me."Well first off , morning!And second, I saw your guitar.Can you play it?"I asked out of curiosity, of course."Yea, I can play it.I haven't practised in a long time though..."

"Can you play it for me?"I asked ready to turn on Shia LaBeouf mode."I'm not too sure bout' that bud..."He said making me do the puppy dog eyes."Plllzzzz?" "(YN)-" "YESTERDAY YOU SAI-"

"OK, OK!One condition though."He began saying whilst starting to sitting up.I did the same now released from his grasp and said, "Which would be?" "You sing for me whilst I play it." "Hmph, fiiinnne."

He sat up and went over to get his guitar as I sit cross-legged on his bed summoning back my wings and wrapping them around me from the cold surrounding me.((A/N - Ok so you know in the second A/N chapter?(News info..That.)Yea that.I put a picture there of what the position that your sitting in looks like. It's the first picture in ' Just Chillen' '))Sans sat down next to you and started playing as you got the tune of the song he was playing and you started singing. ((A/N - Sans played the guitar while you sung.ITS THE SONG AT THE TOP.I'll stop now...Continue.))

Loving can hurt...

loving can hurt sometimes...

But it's the only thing that I know...

When it gets hard...

You know we can get hurt sometimes...

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive...

We keep this love in a photograph...

We made these memories for ourselves...

And our eyes are never closing...

Our hearts are never broken...

And still forever frozen...

And still...

If you keep me...

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans...

Holding me closer till' our eyes meet...

You won't ever be alone...

Wait for me to come home...

Wait for me to come home...

Loving can heal...

Loving can mend your soul...

It is the only thing that I know...


I swear it will get easier...

Remember that with every peice of ya'...

It is the only thing that can stay with us when were tired(?)...

We keep this love in a photograph...

Sans X Reader~When the underground finds you, let it take you.Where stories live. Discover now