Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Kitty

You walk through the gates of the park, heading towards your small city. Passing through the streets, hearing the dogs bark, the birds chirping and a few cars. It was a great day in terms of weather, few clouds, not too warm or too cold. You loved those days, but your favorites were still rainy days, staying at home inside your bed sheets, on your phone, pc or drawing, the sound of the rain falling and sometimes even going outside without umbrella. It was the best.

As you were walking through the streets, you see a baby cat alone, you wanted to take it home, but you knew your parents wouldn't let you, your house was also too small for another member. But even if you couldn't take it home, you could still give it some food. You run to the nearest store, hoping when you came back it would still be there. You enter the store, go to the animal food section, pick one hoping it would like like it and pay it. You run to the place where you saw the kitty. You didn't see him at first, but then you just noticed it was playing with a plant that had grown in the street.

-awwww, so cute-
You call the kitty, it came right away.
"Here kitty, I brought you some food." -you say smiling.
As soon as you open the can, the kitty starts meowing hysterically, which made you laugh.
"You must be pretty hungry, but calm down." - you say still laughing.
You put the can down so it could eat. You pat its head.
"I wish I could take you home, you're so cute..." - you say a little sad.
You stay there appreciating the kitty eat.
"You're really nice." - you hear someone say behind you, which startles you.
"Ah, I'm sorry;; I just happened to see what you were doing;;" - he says.
You turn behind.
"It's ok. Don't worry." - you say smiling
The guy seemed to be around your age like Taehyung, he was wearing some converse high, a black jacket, light pink shirt, grey trousers and a hat.
-handsome alert-
"Thank god, I thought you might think I was a stalker or something." - He says.
"Nahh." - you reply laughing.
"I have a friend who I think might take the cat, If it's ok with you." - He says.
"Seriously?!" - You respond excited.
He laughs.
"Yeah, Im waiting for him and some other friends actually." - he says
"Ohhhh." - you respond.
"Ah, I still haven't introduced myself;; I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you." - he says bowing.
-He's nice-
"I'm (y/n/l), nice to meet you too!" - you reply bowing with a smile planted on your face.
"So are you just going to stay here waiting for them?" - you ask
"Yeah, of course. If you want, you can stay here too to meet them, then you'll already know who'll take the cat" - he suggests.
"Yeah, sure. As long as you don't kidnap me I'm good. And if you try something, just remember I'm pretty strong!" - you say putting your fists up and also a threatening face.
He laughs once again, and you join him.
"You're a funny girl (y/n)." - he says still laughing.
"Yay!" - you reply also still laughing.
The two of you sit beside the kitty, who was still stuffing its face on the food. You pat the kitty's head.
"I wonder where your mother is..." - You whisper in a worried tone.
"Either she abandoned him or it got lost/run away, but I guess we'll never know..." - he answers, which made you surprised since you whispered pretty low.
"Wow you have a pretty good hearing." - you say of course still surprised.
"My friends tend to tell me that too." -he responds gigling.
"Which proves I'm right!" - you exclaim putting your hands up.
And with that movement the kitty gets surprised and jumps to his lap, leaving you feeling sorry for scaring the poor creature.
"I-I'm sorry kitty;;" - you say to the kitty trying to gain its trust yet again.
Namjoon starts laughing. You get a bit angry and tell him to stop laughing, but right after you join him like always.
After you two calm down, he pats your head.
"You really are a great person." - he says smiling, and only now you notice his dimples.
-so cuuute, I want to touch them..NO (y/n) stop with that, not now-
As you were looking trough the street trying to run away from your thoughts, you see some people hiding behind a dumpster and observing the two of you while giggling. Well...trying to hide.
"Hey Namjoon..." - you say to him.
"Yes?" - he asks curiously.
"Do you know those people behind that dumpster? 'Cause I don't." - You ask him pointing to the dumpster.
He looks to the dumpster, and as soon as he does that, those people try to hide but just end up falling to the ground kinda like a domino.
He sighs and proceeds to yell.
"What the hell are you guys doing there?!?!?"
He looks at you.
"I'll be right back, those idiots there are my friends." - he tells you and then runs to them, helping them get up but also giving each one a smack on their heads.
Before he got up he gave you the kitty, so you were just there laughing at the situation and petting the now completly full kitty.
"I hope you'll be taken good care of little buddy." - you tell the kitty.
You realize you didnt know the gender of the kitty, so you go and comfirm it was a female.
-when you get big, if you ever have little babys tell me- you think laughing, because what if animals could talk and told their owners they were pregnant? You could imagine the owners going up to the cat father and having an argument, which made you laugh even more. You often thought about weird things like these.
"Yoo (y/n), what are you doing?" - you hear Namjoon asking.
After smacking each one in the head he was already coming back with his friends. You were excited yet anscious to meet them.
"Nothing just petting her." - you respond.
"Ohhhh so it's a female." - he says excited.
"Yup!" - you respond happly.
Namjoon glares to his friends.
"Introduction." - he tells them.
"Y-yes sir!" - the 3 of them respond
"I'm Jeon Jungkook!" - says the guy of brown hair with a white shirt, some jeans and a pair of timberland boots.
"I'm Jung Hoseok!" - proceeds the guy with black hair, white sports jacket, some black trousers and grey puma snickers.
"I'm Park Jimin!" - and finally, to end, says the guy with with light brown hair, a bright blue long sleeved shirt, black jeans and white puma snickers.
"Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n/l)." - you tell them bowing and smiling.
The 3 of them giggle and look at Namjoon.
"You got yourself a good girl~" - says Hoseok to Namjoon.
"W-what the-" - he responds while elbowing him on the stomach.
"OUCH!" - he exclaims while faking a cry.
You just laugh.
"I'm sorry (y/n)..." - Namjoon tells you while face palming.
"No it's ok." - you respond smiling.
He then faces to his friends again.
"Where are the others?" - he asks them.
"They haven't arrived yet." - says Jungkook.
"Maybe we should call them?" - suggests Jimin
"If they don't arrive in the next 10 min we'll call them." - responds Namjoon.
-hope nothing bad happent to them...-
"Anyways, I'm gonna ask Yoongi to keep the kitty." - says Namjoon.
"Well, he did want a cat." - responds Jimin.
The 4 of them sit down right in front of you petting her.
"Awwwe so cute!" - exclaims Jimin.
"Yeah, It's cute, and thank you for not ignoring me like some of your species did kitty" - says Jungkook.
"Of course It is, It's a kitty, and Jungkook, you're still going on with that?" - Hoseok asks Jungkook still laughing
You just start giggling.
-they seem like great people, I wonder how the others are-
After 5 minutes of petting her and getting to know each other, one of their friends arrives.
"Jin!" - yells Namjoon.
"Hello suckers." - says Jin(?
"Hyung!" - Jimin to Jin and right after he looks at you.
"O-oh I'm sorry, my name is Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin, nice to meet you." - after saying that he gets your hand and kisses it, leaving you flustered.
-god damn, everyone I meet today is handsome, why am I having so much luck. Something bad is about to happen for sure-
"I-I'm (y/n/l), nice to meet you too."
"Yahhhhh Hyung, International playboy!" - says Jungkook.
"Shut up, that's you!" - Jin responds laughing.
"And what are you all doing with this beautiful lady? Are you trying to harass her? Don't worry I'll call the police right away." - he says getting his phone out of his pocket.
"I-I-It's not like that we swear!" - says hoseok a little nervous.
Jin looks at you to comfirm.
"Yeah, It's true, they weren't harassing me." - you respond laughing.
"If you say so." - says Jin
"Awee a kitty." - he sits down and starts petting her too.
" And how did you meet?" - asks Jin.
"She was feeding the kitty, and I told her that one of my friends could take it, and then it came to this." - says Namjoon.
"Ohh I see, and you're talking about Yoongi right?." - responds Jin.
"Yup." - proceeds Namjoon
After some more time of talking you decide to take turns to pet the kitty, and you could see she was enjoying the attention.
"How many of your friends are left to arrive?" - you ask them.
"2" - responds Jungkook.
"I wonder what they're doing." - says Jimin.
- I hope they're ok-

Chap. 2 end

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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