Enzo - Scarf

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"Come back here, darling..."

You were already halfway out of the door when you heard Enzo call you back. You turned around, thinking you had just forgotten to kiss him goodbye and that he wanted to point that out to you, but he turned out to be standing right behind you already, scarf in his hands.

"There's no way you are leaving that door without your scarf, love. It's cold out there, remember?" He cocked his head and looked at you with that look that made it impossible to refuse him anything.
"As much as I love cuddling you, I prefer to do that because we both feel like it and not because you're on the couch coughing your throat out because you're sick." He looped the scarf behind your neck, pulling you towards him.
"Which is why I'm going to make sure you're warm enough..."

You smiled at him, feeling him pressed against you and you were pretty sure you could get used to that. You'd rather not leave at all anymore, but unfortunately you had to, so you just pressed a kiss on his lips.
"Should I be flattered because you worry so much or should I see it as an insult to the poor little human I am.", you smiled.

"There's nothing poor and little about you, Y/N. Except for your constitution perhaps, but that's what this is for..." He wrapped the scarf around you, tying the ends, before he got out a hat and put it on your head, making sure to pull it over your ears.
"You do look lovely like this, by the way."

You grumbled a bit, feeling way too warm dressed up like this inside of the house.
"I don't believe that for a second... but I like your flattery." You did pull away from him. "But if you're not letting me go now, It'll be late before I get back. I like the cuddling you promised me before a lot more than all the layers you're putting on me right now."

He started to laugh before pulling out a pair of mittens and handing them over to you.
"Then I'll promise these will be the last ones..."

You accepted them with a roll of your eyes.
"It's just winter Enzo, we're not on the North Pole or something like that. I'll be fine..." You pressed another kiss on his lips. "I'll see you in an hour, if I'm not melted by then."

Enzo st. John - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now