Chapter 1

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Climbing up a 20 floored building on a Friday night. Sounds dangerous? For normal people, yeah. For the top and youngest spy in the world? Child's play. Sadie was wearing a black long sleeves and black fitted pants, and black heels. She had gloves on with massive suction power which prevented her from falling and her heels also had suction powers too. She was also dangling 100 feet in the air but she wasn't even nervous, she was even singing.

"This one is for you and me, living out our dreams, we're all right where we should be -"

"Stop singing, Sadie! You're supposed to be quiet!" A voice in Sadie's earpiece hissed.

"Well you try being here! You're not in the position to tell what to do, Ivan!" Sadie hissed into the microphone.

"Whatever, you need to be here in two minutes by the way,"

"I'll be there in one," Sadie said and clicked off her earpiece and microphone. Then started to climb the building again, for her it was just as easy as crawling. After precisely 30 seconds she reached the rooftop, she turned off the suction power of her heels and took off her gloves. Sadie walked towards the skylight window which gave her the access to see almost everything from below. She saw five figures by the food table all were just acting casually. There was one girl who had black hair and eyes and was wearing a black floor length gown. Then there was a guy who also had black hair and eyes and was wearing a green dress shirt beneath a black tuxedo. Another guy who is tall and skinny with a mop of blonde hair that hangs in his blue eyes he had a blue dress shirt beneath his tuxedo jacket. Another was a guy who has dark blond hair, and green eyes he was wearing a black dress shirt underneath his black tuxedo. The last guy had curly black hair, dark brown eyes and he was wearing a white dress shirt underneath a white tuxedo. They were all looking up to Sadie. Why do they get the easy parts? Sadie asked herself. Then suddenly another guy was headed for the direction of the five persons. The guy has amber eyes and silky black hair he was wearing a red dress shirt beneath his tuxedo. He was glaring at the five and when he stopped in front of them, none of the five noticed him so he almost shouted at them. Sadie heard what he shouted.

"Are you idiots!" The five flinched and looked at him for the first time.

"What's the problem, super spy Ivan?" Zhei asked.

"The problem is that you're attracting attention to her, and stop telling the world I'm a spy! What part of it must remain a secret don't you understand?" Ivan hissed out. There were a mumble of sorry and whatever.

"Guys, chill out. This mission will be over in a sec," Sadie confidentially said.

"Well it better," Ivan said and walked away from the five. Sadie walked away from the window and towards the beat up door. She turned the knob but it was locked. She was taking a pin out of her hair when she had a better idea. She smiled to herself and kicked down the door.

"A high security building and they can't even replace a beat up door," Sadie said to herself. The door leads down to a set of stairs. She climbed them down and when she reached the bottom of them she was in dark hallway.

"Okay, I'm in," Sadie said. "Is everybody in position?" A chorus of yeses answered her.

"This is so cool! We're spies!" Zhei said.

"Yeah! Totally cool! I wish we had weapons though," Boswell agreed.

"Yeah and we should have those cool heat sensor things," Travis added.

"We should also have masks! Like ninjas!" Damian also added.

"I want one of those cool laptops that can practically do anything!" Leon added as well.

"SHUT UP! You are not spies! You're lucky I let you come with me and Sadie!" Ivan shouted. But he was just hushed by everyone.

"So!" Sadie said. "Since everyone is at the vault and I'm the only one you're waiting. I'll go there now." Everyone just said yes and Sadie made her way to the vault which was at the end of the hallway. When she reached an office with glass doors and inside she could see her friends. She entered the office and their chatting stopped. Sadie stopped in front of them and she turned to Ivan.

"Next time you're climbing the building from outside," Sadie said.

"What? But I was invited to the party!" Ivan argued.

"And I wasn't?" Sadie glared at him.

"Touché," Sadie rolled her eyes and examined the door in front of them. It was a one way mirror glass doors.

"It doesn't have a key hole, and no visible ways of opening it," Damian said.

"They say the doors were never opened. They're like that since they were put in there," Boswell supplied.

"It's very hard, you can't kick it down," Leon said. "Believe me, I've tried," Leon tried to walk but could only limp. The others laughed at him and he just glared all of them.

"Lasers don't also work," Zhei said.

"Then what can penetrate that thing?" Travis asked thoughtfully. Then Ivan's eyes went suddenly wide, he approached the door.

"Can somebody get me the black light?" Ivan asked, Travis tossed him the black light and Ivan caught it without his eyes leaving the door. Everyone gasped except the two spies with what they say. There was a message.

"Yes they would certainly look grand on maids

"Uh, uniforms? We have to wear maid uniforms?" Travis said. Everyone just gave him a "what the hell" look.

"Feather dusters?" Zhei offered.

"Irons?" Boswell said.

"Food?" Damian asked.

"Babies?" Leon suggested. Everyone just looked at him weirdly.

"What? Maids look great with babies in my opinion," Leon defended. They just rolled their eyes.

"Diamonds," Sadie quietly said. Everyone looked at her and then she pulled her necklace which was underneath her clothes. The necklace had a 100 carat diamond and was surrounded by different kinds of gems. She approached the glass doors and places the tip of her diamond on the surface of the glass and she started to draw a circle. When she was done, she puts on her gloves and activated it suction power and she firmly planted her hands inside the circled and she pulled with all her might. The circle came off the glass easily, it was about an inch thick and everyone help her put the circle aside. When they were done Sadie started to take off her gloves.

"How?" Ivan asked. Sadie just shrugged and said.

"It was an anagram, the letters that are in strike through. They spell diamond, so I figured it must be a diamond,"

"Wow the owner of this place has sick sense of humor insulting a maid like that," Zhei said. Sadie and Ivan just looked at each other. If they only knew.

"C'mon guys," Sadie said "It's time we crack up a vault."

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