Chapter 3

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Sadie studied the vault in front of her. There was a screen, a keyboard, and 2 scanners.

Hmm...Thumb print scanner...DNA Sample...Password...and that's it I guess Sadie thought.

"How is it?" Ivan asked from across the hallway.

"Nothing that I can't handle," Sadie said. Ivan nodded and went back to thinking how they can get across the hallway.

Sadie took out a zip lock bag that contains an iPhone and two smaller zip lock bags one has a microscope slide, the other a strand of brown hair. She took out the zip lock that contained the microscope slide. In the slide there was a thumb mark. Sadie took out the slide and placed it in front of the scanner. The words "Access Granted" flashed on the screen. Next, Sadie took out the other zip lock bag; she carefully placed the strand of hair in front of the scanner. Then a voice spoke coming from the screen.

 "DNA recognized! Good Evening Mrs. W-" The rest was cut off my Ivan's scream. Sadie whirled around and saw Ivan. He was on the ground lying on his back and he was breathing hard. Damian and Leon were crouched down beside him. Sadie mentally rolled her eyes. Ivan was looking at her and gave her a meaningful look. Sadie nodded slightly and went back to cracking the vault. Lastly Sadie took out her iPhone which was filled with different apps that's only exclusive to top spies only; it contained the newest version of Angry Birds which wasn't available to anyone yet. Well except top spies. Sadie opened an app that allowed her to hack into the system. She plugged in a cord to the keyboard and her iPhone and she started to hack the system. The system was filled with different codes and other things. After a minute Sadie has successfully hacked into the system. She even managed to turn off the laser system. Leon, Damian, and Ivan were about to run towards the vault when she yelled.

 "No! Not yet! Call everyone first," Something else appeared on the screen. She quickly read what was written.

 "Why does the world turn?" then below there were choices "Gravity!", "This Game!", "The sun makes it!" and "It just does" Sadie blinked a couple of times. Then she laughed and shook her head a few times. The others came running towards her. They looked at her weirdly because she was laughing all by herself. Zhei stepped in front of Sadie and slapped her. Sadie instantly stopped, while the others had wide eyes.

 "HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Sadie said, while her hand was on her cheek.

 "You were laughing all by yourself dude!" Zhei explained. Sadie just turned her attention back to the screen and said.

 "At first I thought I was done, but this quiz came on and guess what kind of quiz it is," Sadie paused for a dramatic effect, every just stared at her "The Stupid Test!" Sadie said. But everyone just blinked at her, and she just mumbled something, and went back to answering the test.

 "Need help?" Ivan asked.

"Okay answer this," Sadie moved away from the screen so everyone can see.

"If Pi=3.14 what is cake=?" Sadie read aloud.

"3.14," Zhei read the first choice.

"6.28" Boswell read the second one.

"YUMMY!" Leon read the third.

"It's a rectangle," Damian read the last one. Everyone just stared.

"6.28?" Ivan said uncertainly. Sadie shook her head.

"YUMMY!" Everyone except Ivan answered. Sadie nodded and picked the third choice. The others laughed at Ivan, and Ivan just muttered something under his breath. Sadie answered the rest of the questions. When she was done. The words "Access Granted" flashed on the screen again  and they heard something click inside the vault and then the vault's door opened by itself. Everyone moved out-of-the-way. When the door was fully opened, they saw a small room. In the middle of the room was a table and on the table was a red velvet box.

"I'll go in first," Sadie said stepping forward. But someone put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She whirled around and saw that the hand belonged to Ivan.

"No, I'll go in first," Ivan said softly but it was clear that it was an order.

"Ugh no way, you're not wearing the proper clothes," Sadie said and she tried to step forward. But Ivan's hand practically planted her to the ground.

"Let go, Ivan," Sadie said.

"Didn't I said, I was doing this?" Ivan asked. Everyone was looking at the two; they just stayed quiet because they knew that this was going to be ugly.

"Didn't I say no," Sadie turned around to glare at Ivan. Ivan sighed and ran his hand over his hair.

"You've done enough, now let me do the rest," Ivan said.

"No," Sadie simply said.

"You don't know what you're going to find there," Ivan argued.

"I know what I'm going to find," Sadie countered.

"Why don't you two go through it at the same time?" Boswell asked and rolled his eyes at the two. The spies nodded at each other.

"Now, when we signal thumbs up it means it's safe and that you can come inside," Ivan said. Everyone nodded and said yes and whatever. Sadie was already at the vault's door, she pulled another compact powder from her pocket.

"How many of those do you have?"  Leon asked. Sadie ignored him and blew the powder into thin air. The powder didn't reveal any lasers. Then Sadie threw the compact powder at the floor. Nothing happened. So both Sadie and Ivan went through the door. They walked towards the table slowly and cautiously.  When they reached the table, Ivan gave thumbs up, and everyone went inside the room. When everyone was standing around the table. Sadie pulled the box towards her. She stopped halfway, waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. When the box was directly in front of her she took a deep breath, and everyone crowded around her.

"You ready?" Sadie asked. Everyone said yes except Ivan; who just nodded.

I know how you feel Sadie tried to say with her eyes. Ivan just nodded again. If Sadie and Ivan's hunch is correct the thing they will find inside the box will just complicate things, but they need to know. They can't rest until they find out. Sadie took another deep breath. With one simple flip of the cover the box opened.

 What Zhei, Boswell, Travis, Damian, and Leon saw inside the made them admire the thing inside.

 While the thing inside the box brought the two spies into tears.

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