Chapter 1

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•• Harry••

"You're going out again?" I asked grabbing her wrist as she reached for the door knob.

"Yea. Just for about 2 hours. Do you need anything? I can run by the store on my way home?" she said adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

"No its fine. I dont need anything." I sighed. This was the third time she'd gone out this week and it was only Wednesday.

She kissed me before walking out the door and down to her car. I went back over to the couch and changed the channel. I decided to text my best bud Louis to see what he was up to.

Me: Hey man whatcha up to?

Louis: Nm wbu?

Me: Just chillin, u up to hang at my place?

Louis: Aw sorry man im busy :/

Me: Its fine. See ya around.

Well this sucks. My girlfriend and my best friends are both busy. I switched to my usual channel and watched tv for the next hour. Then my phone vibrated.

Katy: u want anything from starbucks?

Me: sure. u kno wat i want.

Katy: alright, b back in 15.

I wonder what she was doing for an hour. I went back to watching tv and 15 minutes later the door opened and Katy walked in.

"Hey babe." I said getting up and kissing her before she handed me my coffee. "Thanks."

"Anytime." She walked over to the couch and sat down.

I sat down next to her and put my arm around her. We sat and watches tv for the next few hours before she started to get sleepy.

"What time is it? It feels like we've been watching tv forever." she said burring her head in my chest. I pulled my phone out from under my leg and checked the time.

"Uh, 10:48."

"Im going to bed. You coming?" she asked getting up and starting to walk down the hall. I nodded.

I got up and dragged myself into our room. Katy was already changing into her pajamas when i walked in. I slipped off my jeans and shirt and got under the covers. Katy followed.

"You've been running out a lot lately." I said to break the silence.

"I guess. Me and Jenn have been hanging out a lot since she's in town." she said as her eyes fluttered close.

"Oh right, how has she been?"

"Good. She found a guy finally. His names Jordan. He seems nice from what she's told me."

I nodded. She seemed tired so I didnt ask anymore questions. She drifted off to sleep after about 2 minutes as I lied there staring at the ceiling. I decided to pull out my phone to keep my occupied while I tried to fall asleep. That didn't really work considering it's now almost 12 and im still awake.

"Good morning Harry." Katy said as I walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

"Morning." I said pecking her lips before opening the fridge.

I grabbed a smoothie and sat down on a bar stool. I pulled out my phone and started texting Louis.

Me: hey man

Louis: hey whats up?

Me: nm, u free?

Louis: uh, lemme c

Me: 👌

Then Katys phone vibrated. Weird. She quickly picked it up and started texting. When she put her phone down I got a text.

Louis: im free. ur place im guessing..?

Me: yea. 1 good?

Louis: yea see ya then

"Hey, um, Louis is coming over by the way if you want to hang with us thats fine. We're going to watch the game." I nervously told her assuming she'd be going out. I just wanted her to stay. Even though Louis would be here. He didnt seem to mind.

"Ok. I'm not busy today." she said taking a sip of her juice.

Before I knew it it was 1 and the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said getting up and opening the door.

"Hey man. Whats up?" I said greeting Louis with a pat on the back. Its not a hug its a manly pat on the back.

Katy seems to get them confused.

"Nothing much. Haven't seen this place in a while. You've decorated. Nice." he said looking around the living room.

"Hello Katy." he said giving her a friendly hug as she walked over to greet him.

"Hey." she replied.

We sat down on the couch and turned to the big game. I excused myself to the kitchen and grabbed a big bag of chips and brought them to the living room.

"Oohhhh now the partys here!" Louis said as he grabbed a handful.

We watched the game and our team won. Things have been awkward between Louis and Katy I feel. They kept giving each other little worried looks. What was it? I tried to ignore that and have a good time with my girlfriend and best friend but it kept bugging me. After Louis left I went up to Katy.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking at me puzzled.

"I saw you and Louis giving each other weird looks. Like something was wrong."

"Oh, nothings wrong." She said walking down the hall and into our room.

Maybe I was just making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe nothing was wrong just like she said. But it was weird when her phone vibrated when Louis said hang on. Im over thinking all this. I just need to relax. I can trust Katy. Right?

I laid in our bed staring at the ceiling again with Katy fast asleep next to me. She was holding me different then she usually did. It kinds looked like how Eleanor, Louis's ex, would hold Louis.

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