In Another World

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Sophia pov

I hold his hand as we walk in the dark night. He looks down at me and smiles.

" what?" I ask him smiling.

" is just that you are so perfect, and that I'm so thankful and graceful that I got to meet and have such a girl like you, I love you Sophia, I always will" he say as he puts his hand behind my neck and his soft warm lips are connected with mine. I pull away.

" I'm very happy to have you Jake, I love you" I whisper and soon our lips touch again. His thumb rub my jaw and I open my mouth letting him enter and explore inside. My body start to heat up and soon our kiss was getting stronger and deeper. His hand left my cheek and started to touch my back, lower back and then he slowly squeeze my butt making me get closer to him, leaving no space between us. I pas my fingers through his hair and I pull it a little making him moan. We pull away, our breathing was heavy.

" let's head home" he say and we started to walk again. The wind picked up and I hugged Jake, he was always so warm. I felt eyes on me and I didn't like that feeling, it was like if someone was watching my every move. I let go of Jake and look back and see a guy, with a hoody on and head down covering his face, he was dress in black. He looked up a bit and my heart start going wild when I see two red dots, I could hear my heart beat so loud that my ears start to hurt a bit. I turn around to hug Jake again and walk faster but when I did Jake was gone, he wasn't there anymore, he just disappeared. My breathing picked up and I look back see the man closer so I turn around and ran for my life. I ran in the woods so I can loose him and when I look back I did, he was gone but I didn't felt relaxed at all. Tears start to build up in my eyes and soon they fall. Sobs left my lips and I cover my mouth so the man won't hear it, if he is even around here.

" Sophia!!!!!!" I heard Jake scream and I look around but I didn't see a thing. I couldn't help but to scream his name.

" Jake!!!" I scream and started running to the direction I heard him.

" Sophia I love you!!!" He scream again but in a different direction. I stop running.

" Jake!" I scream again and tears rush down my face.

" I love you too" I whisper.

" aww the little girl loves his boyfriend" I hear I deep voice say behind me harshly. I turn around scared with wide eyes. It was a tall figure, I couldn't see much just deep red eyes and red liquid falling down from his lips to his shirt.

" don't be scared little girl, I won't hurt you" he say and in a blink of an eye he was standing in front of me. I scream and jump back falling on my butt.

" not now" he say and my body shakes with fear. I look up seen black eyes and my body just relaxed and when numb causing me to fall, I couldn't think of anything, nothing, I couldn't do anything, just lay down and die, My eyelashes got heavier and soon my breathing slowed down making me tired and before I knew it I feel into a very deep but scary dream.

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