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As soon as I got home, I dialed Alex's number and called her.

"I'm not exactly old enough to drive yet, so we have to walk," I said nervously.
"I'm completely fine with that. I'm looking forward to it. But I'm not exactly," she paused, "comfortable with going on many rides. I have a light stomach." she stuttered. I smiled at how cute she sounded.
"I have a light stomach too so I understand. I kind of just wanted to take you to see the sights at the top of the ferris," I replied.
"I love the ferris wheel. My dad used to go on with me all the time," I heard her chuckle and warmth spread throughout my body.
"I hope you don't mind breaking that tradition."
"It was already broken. You're fine." I could picture her face falling like before and I wanted to cry.
"You looked beautiful today," I blurted out.
I heard a loud thud come from her end of the call.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you Jack," she said.
I smiled at the way she said my name so softly as if my name would break if she said it any louder.
"I have to go, I will see you tomorrow," she said quietly.
"Can't wait," I said, then hung up.


"You ready?" Ava asked me, giving my outfit a once-over.
I was wearing a knee-length floral dress with combat boots and my auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
"Yeah, I guess," I said, looking around her room. She had a big bed, that resembled a pink cloud. A canopy hung low over it and posters of pop singers scattered her walls.
"Great, let's go!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me outside and I sat down in the passenger seat of her convertible.
"We'll meet Mel and Rhiana there," she said.
"Okay," I said, not knowing what to say.
I was never good in social situations. I could barely keep a friend for longer than a few weeks at the most.

As soon as we got to the mall, I knew I made a huge mistake.
I had a panic attack as soon as I stepped foot into the looming building.
Mel and Rhiana were there when we arrived just as Ava promised. I never liked Mel and Rhiana, for they would always look at me weirdly and whisper things when I walk into the room. So what did I do when I saw them?
I cried.
I'd hate to journal the events that happened there. It was all so embarrassing and overwhelming. Let's just say, I left soon after.

"Oh God it was horrible," I cried into the phone.
"Just think about tomorrow night, Alex. The lights, the fireworks, the carnival food," he said, his voice slowly calming me.
"Right. It'll be fun," I said, more to myself than to Jack.
"And what I have planned afterwards," he said slyly.
I raised an eyebrow.
"And that is?"
"It's a surprise. I'll catch you later, bye," he said.
Before I could pry more, he hung up.

When I heard Jack knock on the front door, I immediately knew I messed up.
My mom opened the door, and I could hear her drunken words from upstairs.
"Who the hell are you?" she slurred. I raced down the steps and brushed past my mother and out the door.
"Let's go," I said sternly, grabbing his arm and dragging him down the sidewalk, my mother calling after me.
"Was she-?" he asked cautiously as soon as we slowed down.
"Yeah," I said quietly.
"Well, enough about her. I brought you a little something," he said smiling, pulling something out of his pocket.
It was a small box of vitamin candies. I looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow.
"I never see you eat much. And if it's because you are afraid of being unhealthy, I brought you some delicious candies that have all kinds of vitamins," he said, smiling widely.
I turned the box of candies around in my hand and looked at the nutrition facts. 100 calories? I nearly gasped.
I couldn't eat that. I was finally losing weight.
"Thank you," I said. I was truly, genuinely thankful.
After another few minutes of walking and talking, we arrived at the fairgrounds.
"Let's go!" I squealed, running towards the ticket booth.
He raced over me and cut in front of me in the line to buy tickets.
"Hey!" I yelled teasingly.
"100 tickets please," he said, smirking. The lady handed him the tickets, then he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the side.
"We have to wait for night to go on the ferris wheel, so let's pass time on the boat ride," he said, motioning towards the boat ride, which was similar to the lazy river at Deep River.
"Yes! I love that ride!" I exclaimed.
I felt Jack's eyes on me, and I turned and faced him.
"What?" I asked.
"I've never seen you this happy," he smiled.
I bit my lip and looked down, blushing profusely.
We made our way to the boat ride and sat down on the first two seats available.
The boat hummed to life, and I couldn't stop smiling.
My dad used to take me on this ride. He would wrap his arm around my shoulder and we would talk about the people we saw at the fairgrounds. Like the elderly couple that couldn't stop staring at each other lovingly, or the little boy who kept dropping his toy cars on the teacup ride.
I must've been crying, because Jack turned to me and wiped my eyes with his thumb.
"You look good in a smile," he said shyly.
"You do too," I admitted boldly.
The ride stopped, and we climbed over the side of the boat.
The sun was starting to set, and the fireworks began to explode into the sky.
"Follow me," he whispered.
I followed him past the rides and he led me to the fountains.
"Sit here," he said.
I obeyed him and sat on the ledge of the fountain. Water splashed against my cheeks, yet they still felt warm.
He sat next to me, extremely close I may add. He rested his knee against mine, causing bolts of electricity to shoot across my body.
"It's so beautiful," I said, staring at the fountains.
"Yeah, she sure is," he replied quietly.
I turned to him, yet he was already staring.
"Sorry. I meant it is, I-" he said nervously. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

(A/N: This is so clichè oh my god. It's moving quickly I know but It'll get better. I have a really good idea for the next chapter but just a warning, it'll be a little different from the others. Thank you guys so much, I love you guys <3)

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