Louisiana Love

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Chapter3:Lets Get Down to Buisness


After what happened yesterday I decided I ain't telling nobody If I told a single soul in this house I was DOOMED!!! 

I arrived at school late  so I had to deal with Mr.Saltwater (no wonder his name is salt water hes as careless as salt sour and selfish,thats my opinion of him) as soon as I walked into history class (Mr. Saltwaters class) he said"Ms.Blake,second time late this week one more lateness and you'll have your parents informed and you'll spend the weekend in detention" (can't stand his british accent)

as I passed by his desk I froze........that was the same boy by the bayou what was he doing here....Suddenly Mr.Saltwater step in front of me and said

"Ms.Blake are you waiting for me to adress you to your seat or just waiting for me to give you detention after school"he said sarcasticly

"sorry,sir"I said hurrying to my seat.

I spend the entire class looking at his beatiful brown eyes and his beatiful curly hair, studying every inch of his body and face(so delicate and perfect)some how he never stop looking at this paper at his desk some bit of tears shedding .

Then..........."Ms.Blake am I boring you" Mr.Saltwater said (Irritating)

"no,no sir your not boring me" I said knowing I'm so busted

"good then summarize what we've been talking about"

umm...............presidents? I said scared of my punishment,quick I snapped my fingers and said to him "look me in the eye now repeat after me I will leave sarah blake alone" he repeated and with another snap of my fingers he obeyed me and left me alone (incase ya folks don't know what that was it was me manipulating someone to do what I wanted them to, Ican do hat with a spell.

Then before I got the chance to get back to him.......the bell rang

I got up went up to him (sweating like fried lousiana chicken)

"Hey, I saw you back there crying a little, you ok"? I ask still sweating a little

"yeah,and I wasn't crying" he said loking down at something

"whats your name"? I said

"John,yours"? he said

"sarah nice to meet you, hey I got to get to the next class so...BYE!!!!!"

At that moment I knew he was lying about crying and saying he was fine like it was nothing,the only way to find out is spying on him.


At last period I told tori that were going to do a spy mission cause I had the feeling that john had something to do with some thing that happened last afternoon,I told my parents that I was just in a afterschool program and I was going to be home late.

so me and tori fowlowed john...........................

while we followed him he led us to this beatiful place a forrest the trees glittered under the sun,it was so quiet that you could here the birds chirping and it felt like spring here clear blue sky,warm spring breeze it was awsome I was unable to describe it it was almost like this place was magic I meant back to our town I was sur it was hot like crazy but not anything compared to this place,then I just focus all my attention back on john............Then out of all the beaty I saw some thing weird it was like we were entering somewhere unpleaseant and some where worst then ..............hell there it was a.........................................................

To be continued............................

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