The Decent

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"Have we found it? The gateway? Is it here?" A voice had said, in both reluctance and in hope. "Yes, yes, it's here, just like he said it would be." Another voice had said, this time, a woman. "Do we have everything? Or is there anything we are missing?" The man said. The gate was a flaming pit, sharp spikes, like teeth, shooting out from the walls. The souls shouting for the deepest parts of Hell, screaming for help and forgiveness, wishing for another chance. After a while, the woman had said, "we have everything we need, we should get going, before any souls escape..." The screams where louder, the gate was closing in the woods, they had to hurry. "It's no use standing around here, we need to see Him soon." The woman nodded her head, as they looked down in the pit, getting smaller and smaller, the jumped in, with their backpacks full of stuff, ready to take on Hell, and ready to meet the Devil himself.

The Fall was the last thing they remembered when they hit the ground. The woman looked around for the man, she couldn't seem to see him, all she saw was the body's and the demons tending to them, the souls had dirty burlap sacks over their heads and whispered something, like a worship chant. She had seen a demon walk up to her, it had no eyes or nose, but its mouth split the face in half, it looked like it had screamed at her, but she couldn't hear it. She had realized that she was deaf.

The man was unconscious for what seemed like a few hours. He had rubbed his eyes in hopes that he could see clearer. He had felt his eyes, and they where gone, he could hear the souls shouting at him for help, because he was living. He had needed to find the woman, hope that she had had a better fate than he.

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