Chapter 1

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“She's dead,” replied the doctor.

Madison Daisy Meadows stumbled backward into a chair and fell on to the floor. The tears started to roll up into her eyes making them glassy. She choked them back, she didn't want to cry in front the doctor. Her father, Micah Meadows, was silent and looked almost as if he was lost in thought about something really important other than her mother being dead. His shaggy brown hair with a hint of grey was covering his eyes as he stared off down the hall with his hands behind his back. He was still in his work clothes because she called him from work when her mom fell.

    The doctor looked down at me and stuck her hand out for me to take it, “Miss Meadows, I need you and your father to sit in the waiting room, while we handle things in here.” I took my fathers hand and lead him to the waiting room to wait on farther information.

    While waiting on the doctor I watched my fathers face because every couple of minutes he made a different one and mumbled to himself. The only thing I could hear were pieces of words,”This can't it time?” and “Its going to come out sooner than I realized”. I shook my head because I  didn't know what to think of the words he was saying, so I sat back in my non-comfortable chair and focused on the main door of the hospital watching people come in and out. Sitting there I noticed some came in happy while others not so much, then their were the ones leaving smiling because they were well again. Shaking my head I continued to watch the doors open and close trying not to think about my mom, but that was hard to do because all I could think about was that she wasn't coming back. So I bowed my head and listened my dad mumble so more.

     Sitting upright in bed I looked around confused because I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in the chair at the hospital watching the people come and go. Dad must have picked me up and drove home without even waking me, but then again I was exhausted staying by my mothers side at the hospital. I spent days there watching over her  that I igorned everyone coming and going to see her. Then something went wrong, she dozed off for a second and before I knew it she was dieing right before my eyes.

    Getting up out of bed I stumbled from sleepy legs. Looking up I saw myself in the mirror on the door and stared. My eyese were a dark purple, but the bright green of them stood out, then my skin was as white as snow and skinny from the lack of caring for myself. Pulling my light brown wavy hair out of its hair tie I shook it out. Sighing I took a deep breathe and walked towards my door, then heard voices.

    "Stop! Its not her time yet," said my father with a sad tone in his voice. He sounded upset and pissed off all at once.

    "You knew it was coming, espically now that Deborah is gone," came the strange voice. I could tell it was a young man from how he talked and the sound of his voice. So I crept to the top of the stairs for a better view. I saw a tall boy, little taller than me, with dark shaggy hair that swept into his eyes when he spoke. What I really noticed was his bright blue eyes like the color of the ocean. I stood still watching the boy speak to my father who was looking really beaten down in his dirty clothes he'd been wearing for days.

    "She's only gone because that bastard killed her!", he yelled out at the strange boy.

    With saddness in voice the boy replied, "I know Micah and it was a horrblie deed on his part, he needs to be punished, but its not in our hands anymore. Its in hers."

    Sighing, my father put his face in his hands and choked back tears," I know Zadkiel, I know, its just I didn't expect it so soon. She doesn't know anything. What do we do?"

    Zadkiel put his hand on Micah's shoulder and said,"Micah, its gonna be hard because she didnt grow up knowing who she is so she wont believe you at first. Its gonna take some patients and time, which we don't have so your gonna have to push her some."

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