Death And Love Don't Mix Ch.4

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I run out of the room I'm in and go down the stairs. I trip over a plastic cup and land on my hands, even though my hands are burning and I can feel the blood dripping down my finger from that woman's heel, I don't stop. I have to find my mom and make sure it's not her who's dead.

The house is filled with people and I can barley move. I hear people shouting at me as I run and push threw them. I'm looking around franticly. She's not inside; I'm filled with a sense of dread. I spot Mrs. Tina and run to her side.

"Have you seen my mom?" I yell over the music.

"No honey I haven't, we were talking earlier but she went outside to find you."

Damnit. I go to the door and open it. I see Lucas sitting on the steps.

"Lucas, have you seen my mom?"

"Jesus Kayle, what's up with you? And no I haven't seen her."

It's over; I know she's dead now. I stare at the forest with a blank face.

"Kayle? Kayle are you okay?"

Lucas stands up and walks me over to a chair on the porch. He makes me sit down.

"What's wro-"

"I think my mom is dead." I say cutting him off.

I can feel him staring at me.

"Kayle why do you say that?" He asks me startled.

"The moon."

He looks up at the moon and down back at me. I meet his gaze and I smile.

"You see it don't you?" I say to him, happy that I have someone who see's the death ridden moon.

"What about it? Kayle I think I should drive you home. Have you had anything to drink tonight?"

"Don't you see it? Look at the moon Lucas! What color is it?"

"It's white I guess..." He says annoyed. "Seriously Kayle, have you had any alcohol?"

I start laughing, he thinks I'm drunk. Then I stop...duh he can't see the blood red moon, only I see it because it's someone that I love that died, not someone he loves. This makes me sad, that means he still doesn't understand. And he probably never will.

"Lucas, I'm not drunk, but I really need you to listen to me, because I feel like I'm going to faint. Are you listening?" He shakes his head yes.

"Okay, you need to go inside and call the police, tell them that Julia Reed is missing. She's in the woods somewhere. Do you understand me?"

He looks at me wearily.

He starts to protest.

"Lucas, stop. Just stop. Okay? For once in your life, I need you to stop treating me like an insane person and just do what I tell you."

I see dark images floating around in my head and I know that I'm going to pass out. Pass out from exhaustion, from sadness and from the fact that I have just lost my mother. Then, in a second everything goes black.

-------------Ryden's POV-----------

When I first saw her I was stunned, never in my life had I been so in awe of a human's beauty. This girl had an indescribable pull, when I saw her; I literally felt my body being pulled to her.

It was last year; it was October 31 to be exact. I was in the woods with my family hunting. I heard a crackling sound behind me, my adrenaline was pumping, and I was ready to kill my first bear. Without looking at what was behind me I closed my eyes and lunged for what I thought was a bear. I closed my eyes because my father had told me I needed to practice killing with my instincts. But as soon as my teeth were sunk into the leathery neck, and the warm blood rushed into my mouth, I knew it wasn't a bear.

I opened my eyes and was shocked to be looking in piercing green eyes. I automatically dropped the human, he landed with a thud on the ground and closed his eyes, he had passed out from loss of blood.

I saw my dad step into view and he was shocked to see what I'd done, I told him how it was an accident and I thought it was a bear. He was very understanding and tried to comfort me. I went over to the body and picked him up, my dad asked me where I was going with him, I told him the hospital, the man would still make it, and he just needed to be seen know.

My dad freaked, he told me how that would be impossible, if the guy was fixed he would tell people about it. We were planning on coming to live here next year and we didn't need to take the chance of him recognizing me. I then started realizing what I had just done, I had ultimately ended this human's life.

My father told me to back up; he would try to make the body look like he was attacked by a bear or a wolf. Then he proceeded to mangle the lifeless body. I was horrified. When my father got done, he walked away and continued with his hunting.

I was about to turn around and leave when I saw the man's wallet lying on the ground. I knew I shouldn't have picked it up because I would feel worse knowing who the man was, but I had to know who I killed. I opened his wallet and found his driver's license. His name was Joe Reed. He had deep green eyes, and brown hair. In his wallet there was a credit card and 30 dollars in cash.

I saw a couple cards tucked away in the wallet and took them out. The first one was a picture of him with a pretty woman, probably his wife. The next had a picture of him in a boat fishing with some other guys.

I flipped to the last picture and that's when I saw her. Everything around me went black. All I saw was her. There was a gorgeous girl, probably 14 or 15. She had long brown hair, her eyes were a dark green, and she had high cheekbones and a full mouth. I turned the picture over and it said, Kayle Reed, 15 years old. So she was 15.

Ever since then, I stayed hidden in the shadows of that small town, always looking for her. I never did find her. A year later, we make the official move here, and well, here we are.

My parents thought we should go to this party the council invited us to so I can meet people before I started school here. I thought it was useless, I would make friends easily. I didn't need to come here first. People always seemed to flock toward me. It was probably because of my looks, and the guys liked me because I was a really good athlete.

There would be those few people who sensed something wrong, something dangerous about me. Those few stayed away from me. I can't blame them though. Because I am a dangerous person.

Well anyways, I went to the party, and I saw her. I found the one I have been searching for. But where I found her shocked me. Why was she alone in the woods? I'm not the only one of my kind. I didn't mean to scare her when I put my hand over her mouth, but she was screaming and that could attract unwanted company.

I was ashamed of myself when she backed away from me. I had to show her I would not harm her. So I touched her cheek, and when I did, I didn't expect to feel the flutter in my stomach, or the shock that was sent threw my hand. When she grabbed my hand and held it in hers, I was hopeful; she didn't pull away from me.

Then that guy came and ruined it. What was his name? Lucas, I think that's what she called him. I didn't feel like meeting anyone, much less some annoying human boy. I wanted to talk to Kayle. Was he her boyfriend, or a friend? I feel anger building up in my chest thinking about him being her boyfriend.

Before he could see me, I ran away and went deeper in the woods to find my parents. I could sense them in there. When I finally found them, I was disgusted by what I saw.

My dad, and mom, having dinner.

On a woman.




Pretty please! :D

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