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- We all have bucket lists, they have been there since we were little kids, they might just be thoughts or maybe even written on a piece of paper or something, but we all have one. They are just bucket lists filled with random little goals and no one really crosses everything off, but when I got the news that changed my life, I knew that all I wanted to do was cross off as many of those random goals of my list -

I'd spent this week literally in my bed all day long watching Netflix I couldn't find anything good to watch so I seriously watched every Hannah Montana episode out there. After 3 days of being miserable my mom finally convinced me to get out of bed and see the doctor. I hated the doctor it just smells so weird and everything is so plain it bothers me. My appointment was at one so i had time to get ready..

(Once she finishes)

"Mom!! I'm leaving now, ill see you later, bye!!" I yelled across the house while heading towards the door.

"Okay, Bye Honey!!" my mother yelled back.


After having several tests done, the doctor walks back in after what seemed like an eternity.

"Miss Coleman," he said in his monotone voice, pausing for a second.

"My team and I discovered, you have this rare disease called Polimoxorosis ( I doubt that it's a real disease, my friend made it up, and in this story its very rare and deadly. ) and after doing more research on it, my team and I found out that you, Miss Coleman only have 5 months to live..." he said with no real expression on his face.

Millions of thoughts were going through my brain at that moment, I couldn't think straight. I was just told that i had only 5 months to live, how is anyone supposed to react to that? I did the first thing that came to my mind, which was deny everything.

"No, no , no this can't be happening, this is a joke. Please tell me you are just messing around and that this is a joke, and that i'll be fine and have as long as I want to live.." I rambled on barely able to even get that out, I was by now bawling my eyes out crying in front of my doctor, great I thought to myself, now he thinks you're a wreck.

"I think it would be best if you let your family know, here give them this note, I truly am sorry that there isn't much we can do. But, I know you and family will make the right decision." The doctor said handing me a piece of paper, and I left basically running out the clinic.


I walked into my house tears streaming down my face, when someone saw me and grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong Lea?" my little sister looked at me with those big brown eyes of hers.

"Just go get mom and dad for me will ya? Thanks Emma," was all I managed to get out. She did as i had asked. Emma was only 12 years old but she was a very smart girl, and one of my best friends. We had grown up together and I don't know what either of us would do without the other.

I had heard the footsteps coming towards the living room, where I was in. "Lea what's wrong?" My mom looked at me with pleading eyes.

I just handed her and Dad the note and they read, soon tears were streaming down our faces and the room was silent. Until that favorite little voice of mine spoke up.

"Lea, are you okay?" Emma said, and she had that lost puppy look on her face. And I had no clue how to tell her, I couldn't just tell her I was gonna die, thats real hard for a little kid. Thats when I finally came up with an answer.

"I'm just kinda sick. And I can't really do anything about it, but I'm fine just a little sad about everything" I said

back to her fake smiling.

"Well I hope you feel better so we can go get ice cream."

" How about now?"

I just smiled back at her. And she basically squealed.

"Can we just talk about all of this when I get back? I need time to think it over,"

I said to my parents as my little sister rushed to the car.

"Sure, have fun you two." My dad said back to me smiling , but i could tell he was really worried.


While me and Em were eating our Ice Cream i had thought about what i wanted to do with the two options the doc gave me. Im thinking about the second option because with that one i wont be stuck doing nothing for a long time. And maybe I could die happy, having done things i'm proud of, in my life.. Because i'm sure as heck not gonna die having done nothing with my life, theres no fun in that....

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