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The biggest problem, Remus and Sirius find, is that they have to come up with a name for what they are to one another. Remus is very much Sirius’ boyfriend (the word makes Remus’ stomach flip) but neither of them can figure out what Sirius is to Remus.

Girlfriend hasn’t been able to work for two years and boyfriend hasn’t been able to work for longer than that.

They/them pronouns make Sirius happier than having no pronouns at all, but frustrates them all the same because they want a word that will cement them to Remus.

Dating, in actuality, isn’t much different from their friendship. Cuddling only increases in amount and occasionally they kiss one another now. Kissing Sirius quickly becomes one of Remus’ favorite pastimes. Since they have no concept of personal space (or are just particularly touch-starved that day), Remus’ study sessions now include Sirius tucked into his side or sitting across from him in the library, doodling.

Remus watches Sirius from the stands at the Quidditch Pitch. Ever since James became captain of the Gryffindor team, James has had them out practicing almost constantly. Six days a week at six in the morning and then an hour after dinner. Remus isn’t complaining, he rather likes watching Sirius fly around and hit Bludgers away from James and the others. It gives them very nice back muscles that Remus likes to run his hands over.

(It’s also nice to be able to see their hair whip wildly around their face, a strong laugh coming from their mouth as they spin and dive to swing at a Bludger speeding too close to a teammate. They laugh more since James took them away from their family. Well, more like adopted them into a new one.)

It’s a week until Easter (not that the population of Hogwarts cares much, but Remus’ parents still do and send him Kinder Eggs in celebration) and the temperature outside has risen a whole two degrees Celsius since Valentine’s Day. James is just about pissing himself over Quidditch and the impending game that decides the winner of the Cup. So far, Gryffindor has a pretty stable lead, but Slytherin is catching up, only 100 points behind. The shrinking point-deficit is enough to have James pacing for long periods of time and threatening to tear his hair out.

All of the Marauders have had enough of James’ antics, but Sirius the most so. They told James earlier in the week that he was not to come in a meter of them if he was going to talk about Quidditch.

“We’ll win,” Sirius assures Remus, not that Remus was asking, “He’s just got to get himself worked up or we won’t. Does that make sense?”

“No,” Remus says, “Not really. But I think I know what you mean.”

“Good.” Sirius says. They flop down on the couch that Remus has curled himself up on with a cup of tea and a book. It’s something that Sirius had bought him for Yule because they liked the cover, Watership Down.

Sirius situates themselves with their head on Remus’ lap. Remus’ attention is drawn from the words on the page of his book to the quicksilver of Sirius’ eyes and their long lashes. Remus thinks that Sirius is wearing mascara today—it’s a good look for them.

The werewolf reaches down to smooth a dark curl out of Sirius’ eyes, and Sirius catches his hand before he can pull back. Sirius’ hands have been more calloused recently because of Quidditch, and also that they’ve taken up fencing with James again, but they’re still just as lovely to hold.

Sirius painted their nails a dark red, which is a stark contrast to the paleness of their skin. Remus brings Sirius’ hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it. A smile breaks out on Sirius’ face, as well as a blush, and they nuzzle a little closer to Remus’ stomach.

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