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What was I supposed to do, attack them by myself or wake the entire school for a few meager warriors? Are there protocols for a situation like this? Maybe this has happened before, they probably evacuate the school grounds or something, wouldn't that be more dangerous though? I definitely should be paying more attention in class. I run out of my dorm with my quiver on my shoulder and bow in hand. Maybe it was time for me to prove myself. Sprinting down the hall I frantically knock on doors, I have to run up to the third floor to get Gwen up. I pounded my fist on the door, not waiting for an answer. Gosh, I hope I'm not overreacting.

As soon as I'm though the door a chilling breeze meets my exposed skin. I try to ignore the goose bumps as I search for the dead girl. Its damp, cold and muggy, the fog was definitely not helping. She had to be around here somewhere.

I follow the cobblestone path that leads around campus and around styx hall, and that's where I see the blood, deep red crimson. All over the bloody footpath. I look down at her, laying peacefully on the cobblestone, her pale skin making her look more like a ghost then a person. My breath hitches in my throat. I don't recognize her but I assume she was an amazon.

Three cloaked figures emerge from the due. Slinging my bow around I place an arrow on the notch of my bow, exhaling and inhaling. I fire, most arrows missing but occasionally striking fate blows against my enemies. Arrow after arrow they keep coming, swords drawn and ready for battle.

A reaper to my side raised it's sword, the strike swift and concentrated, I cringe. There isn't enough time to block. Clang. I reopen my eyes, I didn't even realize I'd closed them. Behind me stands a tall guy with shoulder length chestnut hair. I recognize him almost instantly, my long lost brother. He roundhouse kicks one of the reapers to the ground, she brings hers sword down on him, he blocks it then charges at her.

Each of his strikes powerful and fast. The reaper flips herself off the ground and punches him in the stomach. Arthur stumbled back, holding his stomach, giving the reaper time to attain his weapon. I shot him. Arthur and I countered, dodged and eventually ran.

We trampled the ground beneath our feet, the wet grass shimmering in the moonlight. Two more people ran by our side, Gwen and Logan Quinn. Both were armed with swords. Logan also carried a shield. He covered for us as we ran, as far away as we could. Both sides were panting, sweating and exhausted. The reapers were determined, the battle continues on though the night. Neither side swaying, neither side showing any remorse.

The only place that'd be a strong enough refuge, if anything, had to be the classrooms at Mythos. We rush towards them, but we cant get away fast enough. A strong breeze rushes towards us, in a blur we're counted, there are about twelve of them, I'm not sure if we can escape this time. I notch an arrow on the thin string of my bow, sending it soaring towards the closest target. Head shot.

Arthur and I stand back-to-back, the reapers charge, we try to protect each other but sooner or later one of us was going down. Duck! I readily miss a spear plunged into my skull. One of them is holding back though, his glare is fierce and strangling. I shouldn't be giving way to him intimidation, but I do.

He unsheathes a bronze sword, armed with the most elite weaponry. He wasn't cloaked like the others, if he was confident showing his identity in a school full of reaper-haters, what was he afraid of? He smirks at my hesitance to attack him, my eyes widen in anticipation. Taking advantage of my ever hesitant nature he strikes down, giving my no time to react.

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