2: If there's a Will, there's a way

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Octavia's POV

One last thought crosses my mind. I'm stranded on Earth. Apollo is going to space without me, and I will never see his little face again. He looked just like mom, with his brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was what reminded me of my parents everyday and why I kept hanging on. I look like my dad, with long brown hair and emerald green eyes. I even have the same nose as my dad, its small with a slight crook on the top. I could look in the mirror and see Dad and I could look at Apollo and see Mom, so everything was okay. But now my little Apollo is gone. And I wont even survive the bombs.

The thought of the bombs shook me out of my daydream and my heart beat accelerated. I started sprinting away from where the bomb was planted, hoping that I would get a safe distance away from the explosion site. After I ran a few hundred feet, the ground started to shake and I dropped onto my knees, holding my arms over my head. I screamed as I felt the asphalt get picked up and thrown around me. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the impact that never came. After the ground subdued and the Earth stopped quivering, I slowly untangled myself from my grasp and gasped. The ground around me was destroyed, except for a small circle that was just a little wider than my body. My eyes grew large as I looked around my city that I thought I knew. Buildings were destroyed, leaving nothing but burnt ashes behind. My favorite park that used to be full of my favorite flowers, primroses, was now nothing but rubble. Tears start streaming down my face as I look around my destroyed city, and all I can think about is how I'm not dead.

How am I not dead? The whole city is destroyed, but I am still standing? How is this possible?

"Hello." A deep voice booms.

I jump and whip around to face a tall, handsome man.

"The names Will. And you are?" He asks, holding out his hand and grinning.

I blink a few times before replying to make sure I'm not hallucinating. "Octavia, how are you-"

"Alive? I could ask you the same thing, Octavia." He cuts me off.

He smirks as I grab his hand and shake it.

"Why weren't you on one of the ships?" I ask.

"Again, I could ask you the same thing, But, alas, we do not have time for chitchat, love. Would you like to join me? I am going to find the safest place for us, which is Toronto. The government has not touched Toronto yet."

Toronto? That's so far away!

"I don't know. How do I know that I can trust that you're not some serial killing cannibal who just wants me because I'm the last human on earth?" I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

He chuckles and grins. "I can ensure you, love, that I'm not a serial killing cannibal. And I don't want you just because you are most likely the last human on earth, besides me, of course. I just want to help you, because you will die otherwise."

His thick English accent confuses me. "Where are you from?"

"I thought you would never ask! Leeds, England is my place of birth." He says. "And where are you from, O?"

I frown. "Don't call me O. And how did you get from Leeds to Las Vegas? And I'm from here."

He smiles. "Again, I thought you would never ask. My family is mostly from here, so my mother wanted me to fly here so I would be with my grandmother in space. Too bad she passed away yesterday." He says, furrowing his brow and sighing.

"I'm so sorry, Will!" I say, frowning.

"Its alright, O. Now, are you coming with me or not?" He pushes.

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