Chapter two - Surprise!

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 Chapter 2

A huge pile of fans stands and stare at me, with extremely big smiles, and a bunch of signs saying happy birthday, omg.

“You did this, for me?” I ask as I still can't take my eyes of them all as they just stand there.

“Well, she did” Jinxx says and points at Sammi doll who's heading towards us.

“Happy, whatever day it is” she says hugging me, “there arrived a lot more than I thought, but I hope you don't mind” she says smiling.

“Uh, I, I don't even know what to say.” I say.

“At least tell you're surprised, 'cause we all worked kinda hard to keep this a secret” Jake says and smiles big.

I look around on all of them, they're all wearing warpaint, some of them are even wearing the same as I had in the beginning, how do they even know that. I'm all out of words, almost shaking, I'm not scared, alright maybe a little, 'cause I have no idea what they else have planned for me. It's still only morning, they have the rest of they day to freak me out even more.

“Well, I am very, surprised, I, have no words” I say, but it's hard getting the words out, at least i'm able to smile, a quite big smile though.

“Good, come on, we have cake” Sammi says and pulls me over to all the people.

It might have been a year since the accident, but I still have a hard time around strangers, at least the most of them are my age, or younger, so I’m not that scared, but still.

I get some of the cake, but not that much though, 'cause it's morning, and I'm never really hungry in the mornings, I usually just sleep, but today they woke me up. I talk to a lot of the fans, they have tons of questions, mostly about the guys, very personal questions I think they are too scared to ask them. But I don't know the answers to any of them, since it's something from before I got here. I look over at Andy, he's taking pictures and talking to the fans too. I still haven't got used to his new hair, even though it's like a decade ago he got it short, he just looks so weird like that.

“Everyone, I know we're all having fun, but we have to go and prepare for tonight, but we're seeing all of you later, remember to show up at the place we told you guys okay!?” Sammi almost yells to all of the fans.

They do as she say and leave, but not before they say happy birthday to me again as they are passing by me. I just smile at them, I can't really think of anything else to do.

No one but the guys, Sammi and me are left in the store, they tell me to put on a blindfold, they say they have another surprise to me, I wonder what.

I'm being taken to somewhere, i'm not quite sure, but I can hear a lot of cheering.

“Oh god RUN!” Jinxx yells, I get really scared, but it doesn't sound dangerous, more like a bunch of fans running towards us, which is actually kinda scary.

We run into a hotel? Maybe. I don't even know who is holding my hand right now.

“Did we get away?” Jake asks.

“Yeah, I think they're gone, we're safe” Andy says.

“Can I get the blindfold off now?” I ask.

“Sure, we just didn't want you to see anything outside, you can't see it inhere.” CC says.

I take it off and look right into CC´s eyes, he was the one holding my hand, and I'm really glad it was him, I was scared as fuck.

“So, what are we exactly doing at a hotel?” I ask them all confused.

“We need to get ready fro tonight, all of us, and we just thought it would be funnier here than in the bus. So we just rented a room.” Ashley says.

We start walking to it, I can actually still hear the fans outside, I’m rather scared, but also very exited.

In the room there is the usual, some beds, two bathrooms, one big, one small, and extra room for walking around and shit, I'm very used to traveling around, and being places like this now.

They start doing their makeup and getting ready and all that. I almost can't believe all this, I think of it every day, I can't help it, but, just look at this. I am here, living and traveling around with the best guys and best band ever. It's amazing. I don't feel like a burden any longer, I feel more like, a part of the band, I might not play on stage or anything. But as they all have to explain at so many interviews, I'm a part of the family now, nothing can change that. Not even that guy, he's long gone, since I shot him in the leg, well, at least he's gone, and hopefully, he's never coming back ever again.

I get a text from Danny, it says happy birthday sweetie, how the hell did he knew? I answer a thanks baby, we are more or less together now, even though we haven't seen each other in a year. He is been adopted now, witch is really good, 'cause they're really nice, but as he always say, It's not like a rock band adopted me, but they're okay. He's awesome in his own way, I can't wait till someday meeting him again.

I look over at Sammi doll and Jinxx, seeing a couple like them warms my heart, they are married now, the wedding was amazing and they both looked beautiful, though it was quite fun seeing all of them in suits again, it's still weird. I was a bridesmaid at the wedding, so yes, I had to wear a dress, but I looked really good in it if I have to say it myself, and it was fun meeting all of those people at the wedding, and there were so many of them. A lot of them I already knew, other people from bands, they're all friends, it's awesome to see all of them together. But I have to say that all the dudes from Asking, got so bloody drunk. But they're still cool, they're like my uncles or something. It's like every band we tour with or just know, is a family to me, maybe because I don't have one, so they are my family instead. I like it like this though.

“Guys, we have a problem” Ashley says as he comes in with a rather scared face.

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