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Troye Sivan POV

I woke up to a dull sky in my hometown city of Huntington, New York. It was pouring outside, I heard my mother scream, I grab some trousers and put them on so I can see what's all the commotion about. This is the first time I've ever seen my dad so happy, I smile and say, "what happen, what did I do."

"Here you go, see for yourself.", Dad says.

I open up the damp, blue striped envelope. I get nervous, my hands get clammy as I realize this is not for paradise academy. I start reading the ornate formal letter inside: 

Congratulations Troye Siven Mellet,   

You have been accepted to the prestigious school of Badlands Preparatory, we are happy to have you aboard and expect to see and meet you shortly. thank you for choosing us.


The director of Badlands Preparatory,

 Cherilyn Sarkisian 

My eyes start to water, and my vision gets blurry. I hear a faint beeping noise that becomes louder with each second. I drop face first towards the floor, knowing that I either end my life or my life ends. 

I wake up with a cold towel on my head.

"Oh sweety, you just passed out", Mom said

"From all the excitement you're gonna have in Badlands Prep.", Dad said

I immediately go out in the pouring rain over to Melanie's house, my best friend since Pre-K. I knocked at her door and she opened, with the happiest expression on her face. Melanie's happy expression quickly feel as she saw my worried face. Without saying anything, Melanie burst into tears.

"Wha-what happened", Melanie stuttered.

I quickly pulled Melanie into a hug, and she stopped crying. "I'm going to Badlands Prep," I said. Melanie cried even harder to the thought that she will never see Troye again (for now). 

"Well I guess I won't see you for long.", I said welling up.

"Y-y-ya." Melanie said.

 I know I'll do anything in my power to try to see Melanie, I love her too much to let her go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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