Night at the Town

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"Why can't he just get this himself, like, he works here. And free of charge, like, what the fuck. I swear that man is so annoying. Grumble grumble grrrrrrrrr," King mumbled to himself, grabbing the shortest glass they have and filling it with water, not noticing that he was thinking, Why does Ban have to be so cute. I know he's a big flirt, but still, he's the most adorable thing man person I've ever met. King also hadn't noticed that he was blushing until he walked out of the kitchen, walked to the other side of the Boar Hat to the table Ban was sitting at, and Ban pointing it out.

"Why the bloody hell are you blushing bright red?" Ban questioned.

King had finally realized this and stuttered,"Oh um, I-I'm not s-sure." Which wasn't a lie completely, he wasn't aware that he was thinking about Ban, but at the same time, he was.

"Okay," Ban paused,"Little fairy boy."

King was housing even more if possible. W-why did he just call me little fairy boy. And why LITTLE. I mean I'm not that much shorter am I? King thought, even stuttering in his head.

"This water is to cold," Ban said teasing the orange haired fairy.

"Too bad," King sassed Ban,"If the little prince needs perfect water then he can get it himself, because this maid has other people to tend to."

King walked away, go into another table, saying what he usually does when greeting a paying customer. Wow. He's so cute, Ban thought, and he actually had the courage to sass me. Damn it. Why is he so hot. I just wanna do things to him. BAD things. But he likes Diane. We'd never have a chance, and besides, even if he didn't like Diane, he's strait. Ban was lost in his trait of thought until Meliodas came behind him, placed his hand in Ban's shoulder, and said,"Sorry buddy," gesturing towards King,"and you have to go back to work, your break is over," Meliodas added.

Ban got go out of his seat with his cup in hand, and headed towards the kitchen, Work should take my mind off of him, Ban thought, but then Meliodas said,"King is a waiter." Damn it. That's right. Well. Time to work.

Work was finally over. Those painfully long 3 hours, or at least they were painful for Ban. I should go to town now. To clear my mind.

"Hey Meliodas, I'm heading to town anything you or the others need," Ban shouted up the stairs.

Meliodas replied,"No, but King might. He's changing, I'll send him to you to go get what he needs."

Great. I thought going to town would get my mind off of him. Well might as well wait outside for him.

"Hey King, Ban is waiting outside about to go to town and he wants you to go. Don't saw anything g until you get to town, and don't come back within the hour, OK?" Meliodas told King. Making King have his suspicions.

"Okay," King said getting up, out of his hammock with Chastiefol, and headed outside and said,"Let's get going," starting to float to town on Chastiefol not giving Ban a chance to talk to him.

On the way to town, Ban asked King,"Why are you so grumpy?"

King did what Meliodas said to and kept quite until the were at town. It was a long, and awkward 20 minute walk.

Once they got to town King asked Ban,"Now why did you want to go to town?"

"To get stuff and besides, don't you need to get stuff too," Ban questioned.

"No, Meliodas sent me to go with you for some reason, but now that I think about I do need a few things," King responded.

Damn you Meliodas, I swear when I get my hands on you- Ban's thoughts were interrupted by King dragging Ban to the first shop.

"I need blankets, and you could use some new ones, as well as some sheets," King said explaining why they were in there.

"Okay," Ban said, going strait towards the orange and teal sheets, matching what King wears. King went for the red blankets, which matched Bans outfit, when both of them bought their bed sheets they blushed realizing what they just did.

The next store they went to was a decoration store. They had both decided that their room was quite boring. They got a giant teddy bear, a shelf, and a cactus.

By the end of the two shopping they had new curtains, furniture, and even a new hammock for King. After all that shopping, Ban and King went to get ice cream.

Ban reached towards his wallet, but just as he did that, King snatched it, teasing the tall, ripped man by waving it around. Ban was about ready to tackle King when he realized that they were in public.

"My treat," King said as they got to the ice cream place.

"Hello what kind would you like?" asked the cashier.

"I would like one scoop of vanilla," King replied.

"Vanilla. Are you serious. Well I'd like one scoop of peanut butter cup and one scoop of coffee," Ban said.

Man I'm really happy Meliodas had King come, I'm having alot of fun, Ban thought while king was thinking, I'm glad Meliodas got me up for this.

King paid for the ice cream and the two started heading back.

On the way back Ban thought to himself, I should tell him. "Um, King?" Ban started instantly regretting his decision, but there was no turning back now.

"Yeah?" King replied, looking a bit concerned, stopping.

"I um, how do I put this. I like you. A lot. For a while now. At first I was doubting these feelings, but I have excepted them now," Ban confessed, blushing a deep red, looking down turning the other way hoping that King wouldn't notice.

"Don't worry," King said, using his gentle hands on Ban's sculpted face, directing it towards his face. King planted a soft little kiss on Ban's cheek, afterwards saying,"I like you, too."


I really hope you enjoyed that, cause I really enjoyed making this part.



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