Awkward Moments

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   "I like you, too," King said, a smirk on his lips, and a slight blush dusting his face.

   Without hesitation Ban pulled the fairy boy into a passionate kiss. King's eyes widened in shock, not yet processing what just happened, but then he closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. King dropped the bag of bedsheets that was in his hand wrapped his tiny arms around Ban's muscular neck. King had tilted his head to the right to deepen the kiss. Eventually King licked Ban's bottom lip, asking for entrance, and Ban excepted. Their tongues fought for dominance, intertwining, but surprisingly, King won dominance. King explored every millimeter of the tall, sculpted man. King started sucking on Ban's tongue slightly, causing the man towering over the little fairy boy to moan within the kiss. King smirked within the kiss at Ban's moan. The kiss had finally broke, causing the two men to pant.

   "Let's get back to the Boar Hat now," King said picking up the bag he had dropped, and started floating off.

   Ban stood there for a little while, mind blown that that just happened.

   "You coming," King stopped, looked back at Ban and then smiled after saying that.

   "Y-yeah," Ban stuttered, a deep blush dusting his cheeks and nose.

   They didn't have that much farther to walk, only about 10 minutes.

   "So......................the weather," Ban tryed starting up a conversation, but failed, because King wouldn't respond.

   Actually, King didn't say a single thing on the way home, just awkward silence. He wasn't thinking about anything. It was like he zoned out p, but knew exactly where to go, like he was on auto pilot.

   Ugh, this is the longest 10 minute walk ever, well might as well just leave King alone, Ban thought.

   It was silent for a good 7 minutes, the Boar Hat in eye sight, when King broke the silence, stopping, and then saying,"I'll race you there and if I win you have to do what I say for a month." Ban thought about this offer, and realized King would glide over there in an instant, but excepted anyways.

   Suddenly, Gowther showed up out if no where and started,"3, 2, 1, GOO." After Gowther had said that, the two men raced to the Boar Hat, and of course as Ban suspected, King won.

   "Now peasant, go get me dinner," King demanded in a teasing voice.

   "Why yes, my King," Ban said in a snobby voice, while bowing like a butler. This made both men burst out into laughter. King and Ban went inside and went up to their room. Ban changed his bed sheets, King set up the curtains, and they both set up the shelf and out decorations on it. King picked up a book and stared at Ban.

   "What," Ban said, confused what King was doing.

   "I'm looking for my dinner, where is it," King replied.

   "Oh. I'm sorry, my King, I shall get it right away." Ban walked away and headed to the kitchen, leaving King alone in his thoughts. So Ban is cute and I know that. No. He's a fucking angle without wings. I want to ask him out and kiss him and love him unconditionally and make him feel like he belongs. I know he has problems with his self worth, as demonstrated multiple times when drunk, so I need him, I need him so I can make him feel wanted, because he is. For all I know he could've said all that in the forest as bullshit trying to prank me and some shit. Ooooooooo. Idea. I'm gonna use this month to my advantage. Just as Kings thoughts finished, he was greeted by the delightful smell of food.

"Now eat it with me." At first Ban was confused. Ban just looked strait at him, knowing well King wasn't kidding, so they started sharing the meal Ban had just prepared.

Throughout the meal, it was awkwardly silent, well for Ban it was, as for King, let's just say he was planning out the month.

Once the meal was gone, both took the dishes into the kitchen and cleaned up after them selfs. They both headed up stairs and once they got into the room, King locked the door, a devilish amok plastered on his face as he inched towards the tall, pale man.

"Hey there buddy, what you doing," Ban sad hesitantly as the fairy continued to float towards him.

Once King was in front of Ban, he palmed the mans erection through his tight leather pants, which had done a horrible job at hiding it. Kings other hand trailed up and down the muscular chest, as he licked Ban's collar bone, up his neck, and then whispered in his ear, " Excited, now are we. Don't worry about me." The softness of his voice sent Ban off the tracks, wanting to do him right here, right now. King floated away to the doorway where the light switch was, and flicked it off. With that, King said, "At least not yet. Good night."

That last statement left the pale man the color of a tomato. Ban jumped into bed and thought to himself, This month is going to be fun.

Outside Diane was holding Gowther up to the window where they had both just experienced what had happened.

"Someone should write this down as a story, I would enjoy reading this," Gowther said.

"I agree. Would you also like this part?" Diane kissed Gowther on the head, him still with no emotion at all, but instead simply replied, "Yes, yes indeed I would."

Did you see that ending coming...............probably since I'm easy to predict. If you have any requests on how the one of the chapters should go, please leave a comment and I more than likely will use it since I'm not that creative. Wow. This author's note was to long.



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