Chapter 5

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Chase's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do, I mean she's an alpha, it's not like I can just go up to her and say something. Especially not about us being mates. What if she won't even speak to me? What would happen if she rejects me when I try to speak to her, or if I mess up and say or do something that makes me look like a complete idiot. "As if moving weren't hard enough". I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?" I apparently wasn't quiet enough because my dad heard me. He was now standing at my door, looking at me expectantly.

"Nothing dad." I sighed halfheartedly and I could tell by the expression he was giving me that he wasn't convinced. Nevertheless, he shrugged and walked away. 'I should probably stay distant until she initiates a conversation or something.' Ideas came flooding to me, 'I mean, I'm just an omega! It would only makes sense for me to stay quiet...right'?

"Chasy!" My thoughts were cut short by Terra calling me. I walked into the kitchen and found her holding a couple of cookie cutters and staring at me expectantly with her big green eyes. I chuckled at her,

"What did you want Ter?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"Chasyy, you pwomised!" She whined, latching her small hands around my arm. I couldn't help but laugh at her,

"Alright, alright let go so we can get started then!" She pouted slightly at my laughter but then let go, and jumped around excitedly as I got the ingredients out. I guess my internal struggle will have to wait.

Monday at school, Nyxi's scent was very present and hard, but not impossible to ignore. That was, until lunch happened and I walked into the cafeteria. I was listening to Misty, a girl I met in one of my classes, she was helping me find my way around, when a low growl could be heard throughout the big room making the omegas who heard it flinch. It was close but nearly impossible to pinpoint thanks to all of the extra noise happening in the same room. No one really paid much attention to it and it was soon shrugged off as the alphas messing with each other, although it seemed like they didn't even notice it happened. 'But I guess in a way, that just proves it was them maybe?' I was pondering to myself when Misty nudged me towards a table where a couple of other omegas were sitting. We greeted each other and they seemed genuinely nice. I couldn't focus on what they were talking about though because I could see Nyxi clearly from my seat, even if she was facing away from me. I couldn't stop myself from staring, which was a a fact that didn't go unnoticed by the others.

I felt something poke me and when I looked over, I saw Ethan gently stabbing me with a spoon.

"Hey man," he started, glancing over at the higher ups. "I know what you're thinking. Those girls are way cute, I get it, but if the guys over there catch you staring, your life will meet an end. A bloody, and no doubt painful, end." He looked at them again and shuddered. "Especially if Trey thinks you're looking at Hannah." I could see why it was obvious, the two were mates and the way they kept close to each other at all times made me think it probably happened recently, it made the large male even more possessive of the red head.

As soon as the bell rang that ended lunch, Nyxi jumped up and was gone in a second, leaving her very confused friends behind. One of them looked at me, her honey brown eyes boring into my soul. She calmly got up, nudged the hyper girl beside her to hurry up so they wouldn't be late. Without a single word, or even second glance in my direction, she left. The energetic red head, who's known as Hannah, trailed after. My new friends looked at me, each showing a different emotion. Ethan looked a little shocked, muttering something about it being nice knowing me before patting me on the back and walking away. Jasmine, or Jazz as she preferred, looked a little lost in thought before telling me not to worry, then went after her friend, yelling at him to wait for her. Misty was looking at me quizzically, like she wanted an answer as to why the blonde was staring at me. I had no answer to give, 'Unless she knows about me and Nyxi being mates, but then what would that mean for me? If she told her friends, does that mean she accepted me?' I paused in thought for a moment before continuing, 'No, if she had, she would have told me.'

       I looked at Misty as we started walking,
       "Who was she". I asked a little worried about the comment that Ethan had made before he left. Misty looked up at me.

       "That girl with the emotionless stare was Anni, she's mostly harmless but if she's giving you that look, then she suspects something suspicious about you." Seeing the look on my face, she said before walking off to her class, "I wouldn't worry too much. Like I said, she's harmless....mostly."

       "Wait," I paused, taking in her remark, "you said mostly harmless!" I tried to get her attention, but she was already gone.

       I was about to head off to my own class when I felt myself being shoved up against a wall. I looked up to see brown eyes so dark they were almost black. It was Trey, and boy did he not look happy.

       "Hey, omega scum, you weren't staring at my girl in the cafeteria were you?" He gave brief pause that was not long enough for me to answer before he exerted more pressure onto my chest. "Were you?" He repeated, but this time, the question sounding more like a growl than actual words. I shook my head vigorously.

       "N-no sir." I stuttered timidly, thinking he would kill me before he let me fall to the floor.

       "Alright," he said a bit more calm, "But if I ever do catch you looking at her, I'll bash your skull in. Your new here, so I'll let you go with a warning. Remember your place, omega." He spat the last word, letting me know exactly what he thought of me.

       I hurried off to class, which I was definitely late to now. I would have to come up with something, but since I'm new, I could probably just tell the teacher that I got lost. They would believe that, right?

       When I got to class, I was out of breath and didn't notice a certain smell until the teacher pointed at the only empty seat in the room. That particular seat happened to be next to Nyxi. Her expression was unreadable, but she seemed upset about something. Or maybe it was just my imagination. Either way, the silence between us was not a comfortable one and, while a part of me wanted nothing more than to be near her, there was another part of me that wanted to get away from this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.


1:33 in the morning

1,171 words later and its finally finished

I will try to update more frequently because you deserve it, sorry if it sucks or if its short but I did my best.  Also remember positive feedback will make me feel good inside and I will feel like updating more often

good night everyone.... or morning, or afternoon maybe even evening, either way, stay awesome

and thanks for being patient with me

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