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Ayato left the room and I was stuck inside once again. I can only assume this is Ayato's room, only by the high elevation and the bed with a bathroom. Why am I even here?

I debated for a long time on whether or not I should stay put until I heard a long bang outside.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

A series of shots ring throughout the building. What the hell is happening? I fish though the drawers and room to find my mask. Maybe Ayato put it somewhere. I saw my bag sitting around in a random corner of the room. Rushing towards it, I open the bag up and see my mask in it. 

"There you are" I smirked to myself. I put on the mask and took my valuables. I wasn't going to let a stupid bag hold me back from leaving. I ran out of Ayato's room and down the hall I went. As I got closer to the end of the hall I heard a commotion. 

"What the hell?" I stared into the madness. CCG and Aogiri. Fighting each other. What side do I take? Should I even fight? Do I pretend that I'm a human hostage? 

All of my thoughts left my head when I saw Touka, disguised at an Aogiri run around the crowd. I instantly followed her. Jumping off the platform and running after her. Upon seeing only my body and head of hair she kept running faster, I was beginning to run out of breath. 

"T-Touka-chan! Wait up!" I said through my mask. She recognized my voice and stopped in front of me, letting me catch my breath. 

"(Y/N)! Where's Kaneki?" Touka seemed very concerned about him. I kinda ship the both of them more than ever. 

"I don't know... I was knocked out for most of the time" 

"It's ok. We'll find him!" She grabbed my hand and we both ran off. She was being optimistic, then again, she was always like that. Just around me though. 

We both continued to run until we saw some more CCG investigators. 

"You go. I'll stay behind" I told her. She nodded at me and continued to run off. 

"Who are you?" one of the investigators spoke up. 

"It depends. I can be human, I can be a ghoul" I said through my mask. 

"Are you half and half?" Said the other investigator. 

"Yeah. Seems about right" 

"You. What side are you on?" 

"None for the time being." 

"Help us. Work for the CCG-"

"No thanks. You've killed family. Mine to be exact." 

"Then why aren't you siding with the ghouls?" 

"I'll tell you once again, I am not on anyone's side, but my own." 

They stood there like confused little kids. Just standing around. 

"Are you guys going to let me pass or...?" I needed to find Kaneki. 

The two inspectors held up their quinques. 

"I'm guessing thats a no" I said. I felt my kagune painlessly rip out from my back, my eyes becoming a bright blue. The both of them came after me, but I dodged their oncoming attacks. 

"To slow" And I hit the both of them in the neck, knocking them out. I didn't kill them. I don't want blood on my clothes. 

I scoffed and then walked off. That wasted my time. And that wasn't even fun. What a waste. I ran in the direction of where Touka was headed. Using my sense of smell, I was able to track her onto the roof. There was also a familiar scent there, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

I opened the door and there they were. Touka and Ayato. Fighting. How lovely. I watched them for afar since Touka seemed to be fine. Until she was knocked down by Ayato and was pinned onto her back. He started to eat her wings. That really ticked me off. 

"Touka!" I ran up to her and pushed Ayato to the side. She wasn't responding. The tears started to burn my eyes. "Y-You are really a moron" I said to Ayato. 

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Ayato, looking at me with sympathy. 

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." He said. He walked towards me, placing his hand on my shoulder but I pushed him away. 

"She's your fucking sister!" I snapped at him. He looked really guilty. 

I was going to apologize but a figure came up and swooped him away. 

"Noro! Damn it Noro!" he cursed at the man and he was taken from me.


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