If only

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"Ooh hot damn," Cakey (CakeLover299 ) said looking at someone across the recess field. "Meh not my type. Like, at all." I replied "Ooh girl I dunno what your problem is but... meow!" Wolfy (fiercelittlewolf ) said in deep gaze "Bunch of love bugs!" Milla (love_peace_ships ) yelled coming out of nowhere with a lunch trey. Blegh. She has that corn that I swear is recycled. Corn poop. She hated it but it was the only food the school served. We all looked at Milla. "What?" She said laughing. We all knew she liked everyone. My bored gaze drifted the field and stopped at someone. Someone absolutely perfect (SHUT. THE. FRICK. UP. NOW.) "So, Ari who do you like?" Cakey says bringing me back from the clouds. I blushed because I knew that if anyone knew I liked... him... my life would be ruined. A while ago, my friend galaxy liked him. She killed herself out of what shit she got from everyone else in school. And from him. Watt High(WHAI XD) was NOT a safe place. Everyone hates him. "Oh I dunno." I replied. Wolfy walked up to me and poked my nose "Yes ya do!" He was so... him but I couldn't even tell my closest friends knowing that they, who hate him the most, would be so surprised and make fun of me in a friendly, but very annoying and humiliating way. I sat up "Well maybe I don't want to tell you!" Cakey and Wolfy shared a look and smirked. "D-" Wolfy started "Nope." I answered without hearing what she had to say. "What if she was gonna say-" Cakey tried to protest. "She was not going to ask me if I want cake. Now who wants to go to school today?" Milla smirked. "You wouldn't." I laughed "I would. Not. Let's go idiots!" "Aww.. I mean... yay?" Wolfy accidentally said. The sixth period bell rang. Crap. I have sixth period with Killian and we're changing seats. In homeroom, she had the wrong seating chart and now I know I'm sitting next to him. In the back. The way back. When I sat down looking at the seating chart and Killian was already there I blushed and let out an EXTREMELY awkward "ahehe" I couldn't help but die of laughter after that. He was laughing too. When I looked at him I saw the admiration in his eyes and the blush on his cheeks. Don't be foolish Ari, how could anyone possibly love you?

(Starting at recess again)
As I sat friendless-ly behind the trees, I couldn't help but stare at Ariana. She was the only one I've ever really liked. I was known to like everyone because I flirt with everyone and having any sort of gf would make me so grateful for her I would love her, but I never actually wanted to be with anyone and no one has ever in the history if time wanted to be with me. I looked at my watch. It was only 12:15. I didn't want to stay in this hellhole for the rest of the day. But I had to. It's what I do. I stumbled into the school after I saw that everyone else was gone, there were no feet ready to trip me and break my face, or marbles on the ground. Again. All clear. When I looked back at Ari I saw her put a bag of Zach's marbles in her pocket. AND before you smirk and leave the comment "Ooh u dirty bish" I DONT CARE MKAY? NOT THAT MARBLES... as you should freaking know. I forgot. I have sixth period with Ari.
It was so hard to be in the same class as your dream guy, ya know? And now I was going to sit next to him. Alone. In the back. Where NO ONE could see. And there is NO WAY anyone could like me back! "Seat 68: Ariana, and finally Seat 69: Killian." Wwwwwooooowwww... 69?? SRSLY! "Well I guess we could get to know each other better now. Not that we would need to for any other way." Smart move. Even smarter stop. He just nodded. "Today we are doing our Chinese blah blah research blah blah blah blah!" I was (quite obviously😳) lost in his eyes as Mrs. Gat explained today's lesson. "Killian?" I asked cautiously. "Why does everyone hate you so much? I don't see anything wrong with you." He sighed. I wasn't the most eloquent person, but I was good at singing. Killian cried in his eyes. I put my hand in his shoulder. Mini panic attack. Uh uh uh... ":}" was all I could seem to do. He... smiled? WHAT. I'm not a comforting person. If I touch even Friend Milla I'll get a "DONT TOUCH ME. OR MY FOOD. OR MY BOOK. OR MY DRAWINGS." Ya... If only he liked me.
Why is she being so sympathetic towards me? And why is she making that weird :} with her face. I felt the warmth of her hand warm my blood and dry my tears. I actually smiled! For the first time in... (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...) 10 years, I smiled! Too bad I can't answer her question. Will, why do you make everyone hate me? "Hehe. What is dat face you're making?" It seemed to be a :}? She blushed. Crap I didn't mean to embarrass her. "Blah blah HOMEWORK!" One of my least favorite words. My head shot at Mrs. Gat as did Ari's. In less than a second, her hand shot from my shoulder to her desk. (😶 suddenly pays attention) "HAHA JUST KIDDING YOU HAVE SAT TOMORROW!" Oh, yay! Double sigh of relief. Oh, if only she liked me..
SAT?!?!?!? Fuck.

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