MTT EX: Hello Beauties and Gentlebeauties, I am-
Me: *Covers MTT's mouth* Shush! Mettaton I do it, anyway, hello everyone to my story so quick reminder [I don't even think anyone will read this story so whatever] First offReminder 1: There Will be cursing in the story and if you don't like it, you can tell me in the comments and I will censor them..
Reminder 2: There will be flirting [Omfg what is wrong with me XD]
Reminder 3: I might miss some characters beyond the story so like Gaster, Napstablook, and Greater dog, so if there is any character you want in this story then I will be happy to put them in..
Lastly, This will be in pacifist route so if you are a genocide [Like me] then prepare to be destroyed by D E T E R M I N A T I O N!
I might not update every single day so sorry, and Imma upload the first page of the story tomorrow
So yeah guys and gals, hope you enjoy and remember!
h and here's a Temmie drawing I drew a couple weeks ago :3