Chapter seven

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Sorry for the super late update I'll try to get it in earlier also thanks so much for reading this.

Reyna's pov

Octavian wasn't joking when he said that he was going to send the Greeks first. The first team he sent out were Grover and Juniper who got to go to Westover Hall, the second group was Cecil and Lou Ellen, and then he sent Reyna and Will to Scotland leaving him, Jimmy, and Terence to defend the ship.

"Hold up?" Will said odviously confused about the arrangement. "How come most of the people going to look for Nico are from camp half-blood? Shouldn't the groups of two consist of one member from camp half blood and one member form camp Jupiter so I don't know it would be fair?"

"Yeah and why can't I go out and get the guy who killed my friend Bruce?!" Terence said slamming his fist on the table. He had an athletic build with a dark brown shaggy hair that framed his face shadowing his dark red eyes. He was quite taller than Reyna by at least ten inches but the son of Mars wasn't usually violent unless it was for the war games or defending a friend. Even if that friend is Psychopathic killer who killed things for fun.

"Because I said so and since the senate voted me in charge so you have to do what and when." He said with a smug look on his face. "Now off to your cabins the Pegasus taking you to your destination will arrive first thing tomorrow." Reyna just respectfully agreed before returning to my cabin, changing into my pajamas then going straight to bead were she  saw a someone fail to kill a child but not his family.

Nico's POV.

It was finally the weekend and Nico couldn't have been happier, mostly because it meant he had a day to do nothing but plot his revenge on Umbridge.  Especially since there were small rumors that there was a meeting  at  hogs head to sign up for proper defense against the dark arts classes.

Now at first Nico would have just brushed it off if he didn't  hear it from Neville and Luna.

"I'm telling you," Neville said as the walked to Herbology. "The golden trio are going to be teaching Defense against the darks and that there hosting the meeting the day of the Hodges's meet."

"I never said I didn't believe you," Nico responded which was true. He had thought that it was just a rumor but he didn't say it. "Just that it was completely ridiculous and was going to get found out in less than a month and all of the members would be punish severely for it."

"Or it might not and besides it might help boasted our chances of doing good on our owls." Neville responded with a shrug.

Nico couldn't help but agree with this, after all the only thing they did in that class was read-witch to be honest was a major head ack for him. Then again if they all did terrible they might get rid of Umbridge or change her teaching tactics to improve there grades.
Then again that's what they would probably do in a normal school and last Nico checked this wasn't a normal school. But never the less he told Neville he would think about it and the two hadn't spoken much since.

He still didn't think it was a good idea but it was better than doing horrible and the ministry doing nothing. Not that they were doing anything in the first place besides cover up Lord Voldemort's return and basically make people think  Dumbledore was mad. Because that was the best thing to do in a situation like this-not listen to the old wise guy who knows what's going on. Because old never done anything wise.

Nico was about to think more on the situation when someone had decided to iris message him  and lady Hecate appeared. (It's three thirty Im not going to use a lot of details).

"Hello," Nico said since it was the first thing that popped into mind on what to say. "How are you doing lately?"

Hecate just raised an uninsured eyebrow before answering. "Good, now since your already in the wizard if world I have decided to give you a quest do you accept."

Well that was very informative, Nico thought to himself but he couldn't say no to a goddess so he wisely (or stupidly) said yes.

"Good now here's a ref history about what exactly you've got him into and not just because someone's just trying to make this long  to make up for the lake of updates." Hecate said while looking right at something at screen. Nico decided to question the goddesses sanity later. "Anyways as you know our world is hidden by a vail called the mist that makes everything from our world look normal. You also know that some mortals are born with the ability to see through the mist those knowing about or world. Or thinking they've gone insane.

However over one thousand years ago four mortals-Goodrich Grypondore, Rovena Ravenclaw, Helga Huffelpuff, and Sarazar Slytherin to be exact found a way to defend themselves from our world by channeling the mist and using it to make spells and such. They so founded there own school-this school- and the community spread so when Zeus found out he put me in charge of looking after it. So you follow so far?"

Nico nodded.

"Good because now it's time to get to the actual quest because that was just a really cool back story she thought of and wanted to include." She said while looking of screen. Nico still questioning her sanity. "Your mission is to protect the second boy who lived, Neville Longbottom for your time at this school while making sure that he gets better at magic. Good luck and don't fail." And with that she swiped her hand through the image and left him standing knowing what his answer to Neville's invite was going to be.

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