Prolog - Valiant Heaven - Another World

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This is basically a lead in for my story of Valiant Hearts III, giving some insight on the beginning on the event just before my main story begins. Just so you know, this is our world; a world without the Heartless and without the Keyblade. If you are reading this and you have not read Kuugen the Fox's story Valiant Hearts II, then STOP and go read it. Its and amazing story, and you will most likely love it like I do.

Thank you and please enjoy my work and continuation of Valiant Hearts II.

Valiant Hearts III

Prolog: Valiant Heaven – Another World

Kairi jolted awake, panting heavily with sweat beaded on her body, her heart was racing a million miles, and she had a splitting headache. Her eyes darted around the room as if expecting to see some unknown figure jump out and attack her.

But she saw nothing, except for the four walls of her bedroom, a dresser in the far corner, a mirror on the wall opposite the door and collection of pictures of friends and family littered the otherwise blank wall.

After she calmed herself down, Kairi realized there were traces of tears going down her cheeks. Rubbing them away she began thinking long and hard about what she was crying for but the agony behind her eyes made it impossible to remember anything.

"Maybe it was that dream I had last night?" She asked herself as she tried to recall her last dream or even what happened the night before, but to no avail. Her mind drew a blank.

"Hmm... Guess it wasn't important." exclaimed the redhead as she dragged herself out of her twin sized bed.

She massaged her forehead in an attempt to ease the pain she felt as she shuffled to the mirror. She made a face at her reflection as she discovered she had a nasty case of bed head and slight bags under her eyes.

Then something in the background caught her eye. On the wall above her bed there was a note on a colorful piece of paper. Kairi looked back. It read:

"Don't forget today is the party and you still need to get snacks, and decorations. Naminé and Olette should be stopping by around ten to check on you and help if needed. Also make sure not to let Naminé and Olette do all the work. Remember this was all your idea. So long for now  see ya at the party!"

"Signed: your neighbor Yuffie."

Suddenly memories of planning this party for weeks in advance flooded back to her.

"Dammit," Kairi cursed and she ran into the bathroom to quickly brush her hair and teeth. Then she went back into her room and found a clean outfit in her dresser and changed before she made her way out of the apartment.

While heading out she glanced at the clock above the front door. It read 8:56.

"Good I got sometime before the girls get here." Kairi told herself as she went out the door.

A clicking sound told her the door was locked. Knowing it would be hard to get to and from town on foot; Kairi "borrowed" her neighbor's bike, promising herself she would bring it back.

In less than ten minutes she had gotten to town but her legs were starting to pay the price.

"I never realized...there many...hills." puffed the winded redhead.

She rested against a sturdy lamppost and tried to regain her breath.

"Next time...I'm taking the bus." Kairi concluded.

Suddenly chills ran down her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She lifted her head and stared across the street at a woman with water blue hair and was clad in armor as if preparing for war.

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