Cinderella Part 3 - (MJJ Imagine No. 29)

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"You're going through again?" she asks.

"I told you I wanted to continue our conversation and you took our walk in here. You've seen it three times. How many more times are you going to see it?"



"Because that will make seven which is Michael's favorite number. I figured I'd see it that many times for him."

"You really like him."

"I do. He's an amazing human being and more people need to see him as a man first before they see him as a singer. I really wish they'd knock it off with all the stupid gossip about him. I mean come on; the man is so not gay. Where's the sex change operation he was supposedly going to have to marry Clifton Davis? Seriously, who makes this stuff up? The man loves women. It's obvious. He loves looking at women and he flirts with them."

"He's a flirt?"

"Big time when he's comfortable with them. I think it's funny because he's also shy."

"He flirts with women but doesn't trust them."

"Yes and as I said before we went in to the last show, he has his reasons and they are valid reasons. The man is worth millions and women throw themselves at him, just like he saw growing up in those clubs. But who is it they're throwing themselves at? Is it Michael Joseph Jackson the rich, successful singer they want to be seen with? Or is it Michael Joe Jackson the man, a human being, an ordinary man who happens to be extremely talented whom they could lose their hearts to and protect his heart the rest of their lives? In most cases, the former because being associated with him gets them in the public's eye and gives them the attention they want. If they were there for Michael and not for the attention they'd get from being on his right arm, they wouldn't throw themselves at him in public and they wouldn't try to hang out with him at parties. They'd write him letters. They'd try to get to know who he is first."

"Is that what you'd do? Write him letters?"

"I would, but I'd probably be too chicken to mail them."


"Because I know I'd pour my heart out to him and who knows what he'd think. Even though it'd be great to get to know Michael Jackson as a friend, just the thought of him knowing how I feel is embarrassing."


"Because I really like the man. Actually, I more than like him. He stole my heart five years ago because of who he is as a person. I don't care about his celebrity status, it's just his job basically. Plus, a rejection from him would hurt. Even though I know he likes to read his fan mail and he even responds to some, there is no way he can possibly read it all. So not hearing back from him would feel like a rejection even though I know there's a good chance he wasn't able to read anything I sent him."

"Wouldn't it be better to take that chance? You never know what could come of it. Even if he couldn't read everything word for word, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would ignore his fans letters. At the very least I think he would glance through them when he was pressed for time and anything that stuck out would have him reading that letter."

"Yeah, but how would mine be any different? I'm sure I'm not the only female pouring her heart out to him."

"I guess it depends on how you write it. You also don't seem to be someone who would open your letter with 'I love you.' I'm sure he sees a lot of that." She laughs.

"Heck no! It'd take me many, many letters to him before I'd even consider writing that! He'd have to write me back a few times before I said that, too." He laughs.

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